how do i tell the guy i'm dating that i have cf?


New member
Plain and simply, I tell people right away. They are obviously going to have lots of questions (refer them to this site if can't answer all of them) but if it is something they are unable to deal with the first off they don't deserve you because you're awesome, and second you won't get your heart broken later. I just went through a horrible break up (it had nothing to do with CF) and it's not worth being broken up over something that's out of your control.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote

Thanks for the kind words, Jennifer. To put it simply, Medicaid's officials still deserve a bear hug--from a very hungry, pissed-off bear. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

Watch out... Someone might report to the FBI that you're gonna assult them with bears. =-)


New member
Hi I'm Claire 29 and have cf, when I was on a first date I tried to sum the guy up then on the second date I would just ask how they would feel if they were going out with a person who had a illness, i would wait their reaction then be sraight and tell them I can honestley say that it didn't bother them. Just be honest it's the best way if there genuine and honest they will like u for just being you and will stick around. if they don't then there not worth it.

Have fun!