mea6195 and others:
I was born in January of 1940. At that time there were two names for CF, Celiac Syndrome (a disease of the pancrease) and in the late 1930's it was given the name Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis, at that time, was "caused by a deficiency of Vitamin A". There were NO Doctors who specialised in CF, there were no CF Clinics, there wasn't any CFF, only sickley, skinny, mal nurished kids waiting to die.
I want you to imagine that when you were dx at age 5 there was no CF Doctors, no CF Center, no Tobi, no Pulmizime, no enzymes, no vest, and no hyper sailine and especially NO LUNG TRANSPLANTS. Now think about surviving, that way, to your 47. There is penicillen but nothing else. Certainly no lung treatments.
You say "yea but you weren't dx until you were 47" like I contracted CF at 47 years of age. WRONG!! I was born with it, same as you. It is no small miracle that those of us born before 1970 survived. I, like others, didn't wait until we were adults to start to show symptoms, we had symptoms all of our lives.
If it wasn't for the people who raised money, starting in the 1960's, there would not be the results of years of research that you now benefit from now. CF didn't begin on the day that you were born.