How do we CFers die?


New member
I'm so curious. I read a book about a girl who died with CF, but I want to know like exactly what happens, do you like suffocate, or just fade out? Does it hurt? Anyone know anything?


New member
I'm so curious. I read a book about a girl who died with CF, but I want to know like exactly what happens, do you like suffocate, or just fade out? Does it hurt? Anyone know anything?


New member
I'm so curious. I read a book about a girl who died with CF, but I want to know like exactly what happens, do you like suffocate, or just fade out? Does it hurt? Anyone know anything?


New member
I'm so curious. I read a book about a girl who died with CF, but I want to know like exactly what happens, do you like suffocate, or just fade out? Does it hurt? Anyone know anything?


New member
I'm so curious. I read a book about a girl who died with CF, but I want to know like exactly what happens, do you like suffocate, or just fade out? Does it hurt? Anyone know anything?


New member
hey im sheridan and i think that cfers die like normall people because we can die by getting shot and anybody else could die by getting sick or getting a lung infection. so i think that its not up to the desease (i dont spell good)how we die its up to GOD! if GOD offends you sorry!!!! but thats just my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CHA!


New member
hey im sheridan and i think that cfers die like normall people because we can die by getting shot and anybody else could die by getting sick or getting a lung infection. so i think that its not up to the desease (i dont spell good)how we die its up to GOD! if GOD offends you sorry!!!! but thats just my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CHA!


New member
hey im sheridan and i think that cfers die like normall people because we can die by getting shot and anybody else could die by getting sick or getting a lung infection. so i think that its not up to the desease (i dont spell good)how we die its up to GOD! if GOD offends you sorry!!!! but thats just my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CHA!


New member
hey im sheridan and i think that cfers die like normall people because we can die by getting shot and anybody else could die by getting sick or getting a lung infection. so i think that its not up to the desease (i dont spell good)how we die its up to GOD! if GOD offends you sorry!!!! but thats just my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CHA!


New member
hey im sheridan and i think that cfers die like normall people because we can die by getting shot and anybody else could die by getting sick or getting a lung infection. so i think that its not up to the desease (i dont spell good)how we die its up to GOD! if GOD offends you sorry!!!! but thats just my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> CHA!