My son has CF, not me, so I can't say I am exactly in your shoes. I do see the pity party too, though, and I can empathize with how it must feel from your shoes. That being said, I've had my own journey with some other issues that I can somewhat equate it (worrying about the pity party) to, and my suggestion of what might help is yours to take or leave as you see fit- I won't be offended. Here it is: What other people think about you is none of your business. This boils down to you (me too!) kind of obsessing over what they think of you. Worrying over what someone else thinks of you gives them power over you that they didn't ask for and didn't take from you. You wrapped it up and handed it to them. OR, (and please don't think this is harsh- sometimes it's the quickest way to get past something you are worrying over) you are making yourself the center of a story that doesn't exist. You are telling yourself a story in your own head that
never happened. On the other hand, if there is what seems a reaction from someone, I think sometimes people act over-sympathetic (not empathetic) because they don't really understand it or frankly care about it. They just don't want to seem insensitive. Probably after they come back from their smoke break they will have forgotten anything you said about it, because in reality they don't give a crap. Human nature, that's all. It's not that you aren't worth being empathetic towards, much less is CF worth being empathetic towards. On another note-Why would anyone deem these people worth telling lies to? "I have asthma...I'm allergic......I feel a cold coming on." I think the excuses are to save
their feelings, and they frankly aren't worth it. If they can't handle the truth, that's not your problem. Or how about this: you don't have to freaking explain yourself to anyone at anytime. How about you just choose not to smoke. Period. You don't have to explain any life choice you make to any other person. You aren't accountable to them. No excuses. It boils down to this being about YOU, not THEM. It boils down to being about what you allow yourself to feel about what someone else may or may not be thinking, and who the hell gave them that power over you? So the next time you worry about a pity party, just don't. Remember-what someone else thinks of you is none of your business. You don't control what someone else thinks- you only have control over what you think. It's powerful. You may think it’s a stretch, but I think that will help in the dating area, too- the confidence, I mean. If you think of yourself as sickly and undateable, others get that vibe from you. If on the other hand, you realize and own what you have to offer and let that be the lead, then you’ll be set. CF doesn’t define what you are- you do that. It’s not the only thing that makes you what you are. My son seems to think he’s a rock star, and the girls line up for him. Now if only he would notice.
Sorry to dribble on- our therapy hour is over now. Thank you all for coming.

Best of luck to you- sending you love.