How do you find pulmozyme?


New member
So at the moment I'm in hospital for my 2nd time having ivs...due to blood in my sputum :( I am usually on hypertonic saline but while I'm in they have changed me to pulmozyme and I started it yesterday but since then I have this gurgling sensation in my throat and I really hate it it feels like crackles all the time when I breathe and no matter how much clearance I do it won't go away :( has this happened to any if u and does it ease off eventually as I get used to it?
Considering coming off it if this doesn't go :p thanks so much :)


Super Moderator
Our 4 year old has used Pulmozyme since less than 6 months and never had a problem, as well as hyper sal since about 1 year again with no problem. I thought it was pretty standard to do Pulmozyme from at least age 6 on. I would try to push to have it part of routine since the medical properties of action are very iportant (it basically cuts the DNA in CF mucus). It might just take a bit to get use to it. Good luck.


New member
Thanks for that yeah doctors are only deciding to try me on it now so I'll try stay on it a while and hopefully things will work out! Hope you are all doing well :)



From what I've heard and read, the general practice is to STOP Pulmozyme and hypertonic saline when you are actually bleeding - feel that gurgling sensation! I'm quite surprised that your doctors have not stopped it. Pulmozyme can be an irritant and cause bleeding. Just check on the Web.

While I'm not sure what good it actually does me, I've been using it for years. With the hypertonic saline there are instant results. Not so with the Pulmozyme.

Whenever I do bleed or see more than just some light streaking in my sputum, which has not happened in quite a while thank G-d, I' was told to stop both until several days have past after the bleeding has stopped.


New member
Thanks for advice guys....doctors took me off pulmozyme yesterday and told me to stay off it for the weekend but I'm still coughing up brown this old stuff getting cleared out anyone know? Thanks for your help :)


New member
If you're not doing postural drainage during your clearance, try it. I know when I'm in the hospital I usually have to insist, otherwise they just beat on me while I sit up which isn't always productive.

As for the original question, never had a problem with pulmozyme.


New member
Thank you hoping the brown stuff clears out soon and goes back to normal! @Oboe what exactly is postural drainage?


New member
Thank you hoping the brown stuff clears out soon and goes back to normal! @Oboe what exactly is postural drainage?

Laying down while you get chest PT, sometimes done on an incline. Letting gravity make mucus drain up from your lower lobes.


New member
I usually find Pulmozyme in the fridge on the bottom shelf on the right hand side. Just kidding. LOL What everyone has said here about stopping inhaled nebs during and while recovering from a hemoptysis is the same thing I've always been told. It's generally the hypertonic saline that affected my lungs the worst as far as causing bleeding is concerned, but apparently Pulmozyme can also do the same thing. Not to mention my chest always felt a bit tighter immediately following a Pulmozyme treatment.

Also doing deep breathing exercises while lying down do deep breaths while flat on your back, on your left side, on your right side, and on your belly. Keep a box of tissues or a towel handy for sputum because this always works for me.