How do you get your infant to sit through treatment?


New member
Riverrat had a good suggestion to see what people do to get their infant/toddler through treatment.

so i will start with what works for us (though it's never full proof)

-sit in a rocking chair
-play music
-sing songs
-give her things to hold and distract her
-let her hold empty medication vials
-keep blanky for good company
-keep an extra pounding thing for her to pound herself


New member
Riverrat had a good suggestion to see what people do to get their infant/toddler through treatment.

so i will start with what works for us (though it's never full proof)

-sit in a rocking chair
-play music
-sing songs
-give her things to hold and distract her
-let her hold empty medication vials
-keep blanky for good company
-keep an extra pounding thing for her to pound herself


New member
Riverrat had a good suggestion to see what people do to get their infant/toddler through treatment.

so i will start with what works for us (though it's never full proof)

-sit in a rocking chair
-play music
-sing songs
-give her things to hold and distract her
-let her hold empty medication vials
-keep blanky for good company
-keep an extra pounding thing for her to pound herself


New member
Riverrat had a good suggestion to see what people do to get their infant/toddler through treatment.

so i will start with what works for us (though it's never full proof)

-sit in a rocking chair
-play music
-sing songs
-give her things to hold and distract her
-let her hold empty medication vials
-keep blanky for good company
-keep an extra pounding thing for her to pound herself


New member
Riverrat had a good suggestion to see what people do to get their infant/toddler through treatment.
<br />
<br />so i will start with what works for us (though it's never full proof)
<br />
<br />-sit in a rocking chair
<br />-play music
<br />-sing songs
<br />-give her things to hold and distract her
<br />-let her hold empty medication vials
<br />-keep blanky for good company
<br />-keep an extra pounding thing for her to pound herself


Staff member
Before DS got interested in Barney (cringe) or Elmo DVD's I would sing. Sometimes it was the halleluja chorus replacing halleluja with his name. Other times we'd sing old mcdonald (insert ds's name). Once at 4th of July, we had an entire room of teenagers (DS' cousins & their friends) singing and coming up with animal sounds to keep him entertained.


Staff member
Before DS got interested in Barney (cringe) or Elmo DVD's I would sing. Sometimes it was the halleluja chorus replacing halleluja with his name. Other times we'd sing old mcdonald (insert ds's name). Once at 4th of July, we had an entire room of teenagers (DS' cousins & their friends) singing and coming up with animal sounds to keep him entertained.


Staff member
Before DS got interested in Barney (cringe) or Elmo DVD's I would sing. Sometimes it was the halleluja chorus replacing halleluja with his name. Other times we'd sing old mcdonald (insert ds's name). Once at 4th of July, we had an entire room of teenagers (DS' cousins & their friends) singing and coming up with animal sounds to keep him entertained.


Staff member
Before DS got interested in Barney (cringe) or Elmo DVD's I would sing. Sometimes it was the halleluja chorus replacing halleluja with his name. Other times we'd sing old mcdonald (insert ds's name). Once at 4th of July, we had an entire room of teenagers (DS' cousins & their friends) singing and coming up with animal sounds to keep him entertained.


Staff member
Before DS got interested in Barney (cringe) or Elmo DVD's I would sing. Sometimes it was the halleluja chorus replacing halleluja with his name. Other times we'd sing old mcdonald (insert ds's name). Once at 4th of July, we had an entire room of teenagers (DS' cousins & their friends) singing and coming up with animal sounds to keep him entertained.


New member
The best time for us to do it is when Emma is sleepy. Then she sleeps through the mask and sometimes even part of the patting.

I also:
- sing to her
- make faces and/or stick out my tongue
- talk to her

It is hard to give her a toy or have her watch tv because she is still so little that the mask covers too much of her face.

Our biggestest problem with the neb is that she wants to put it in her mouth or sometimes I catch her licking the insides of it! lol


New member
The best time for us to do it is when Emma is sleepy. Then she sleeps through the mask and sometimes even part of the patting.

I also:
- sing to her
- make faces and/or stick out my tongue
- talk to her

It is hard to give her a toy or have her watch tv because she is still so little that the mask covers too much of her face.

Our biggestest problem with the neb is that she wants to put it in her mouth or sometimes I catch her licking the insides of it! lol


New member
The best time for us to do it is when Emma is sleepy. Then she sleeps through the mask and sometimes even part of the patting.

I also:
- sing to her
- make faces and/or stick out my tongue
- talk to her

It is hard to give her a toy or have her watch tv because she is still so little that the mask covers too much of her face.

Our biggestest problem with the neb is that she wants to put it in her mouth or sometimes I catch her licking the insides of it! lol


New member
The best time for us to do it is when Emma is sleepy. Then she sleeps through the mask and sometimes even part of the patting.

I also:
- sing to her
- make faces and/or stick out my tongue
- talk to her

It is hard to give her a toy or have her watch tv because she is still so little that the mask covers too much of her face.

Our biggestest problem with the neb is that she wants to put it in her mouth or sometimes I catch her licking the insides of it! lol


New member
The best time for us to do it is when Emma is sleepy. Then she sleeps through the mask and sometimes even part of the patting.
<br />
<br />I also:
<br />- sing to her
<br />- make faces and/or stick out my tongue
<br />- talk to her
<br />
<br />
<br />It is hard to give her a toy or have her watch tv because she is still so little that the mask covers too much of her face.
<br />
<br />
<br />Our biggestest problem with the neb is that she wants to put it in her mouth or sometimes I catch her licking the insides of it! lol


New member
this is our fail proof rutine...
have our evening bottle and fall asleep.
lay in bed for 45 minute to an hour.
(during that time i get everything out and ready)
I gently lift him out of bed and go to the comfy rocker recliner and start the treatments.
He sleeps right through it.
If I try right after he falls asleep it wakes him up
If I wait to long he wakes up and is angry and want to eat and will try to suckle on the mask whaile screaming


New member
this is our fail proof rutine...
have our evening bottle and fall asleep.
lay in bed for 45 minute to an hour.
(during that time i get everything out and ready)
I gently lift him out of bed and go to the comfy rocker recliner and start the treatments.
He sleeps right through it.
If I try right after he falls asleep it wakes him up
If I wait to long he wakes up and is angry and want to eat and will try to suckle on the mask whaile screaming


New member
this is our fail proof rutine...
have our evening bottle and fall asleep.
lay in bed for 45 minute to an hour.
(during that time i get everything out and ready)
I gently lift him out of bed and go to the comfy rocker recliner and start the treatments.
He sleeps right through it.
If I try right after he falls asleep it wakes him up
If I wait to long he wakes up and is angry and want to eat and will try to suckle on the mask whaile screaming


New member
this is our fail proof rutine...
have our evening bottle and fall asleep.
lay in bed for 45 minute to an hour.
(during that time i get everything out and ready)
I gently lift him out of bed and go to the comfy rocker recliner and start the treatments.
He sleeps right through it.
If I try right after he falls asleep it wakes him up
If I wait to long he wakes up and is angry and want to eat and will try to suckle on the mask whaile screaming


New member
this is our fail proof rutine...
<br />have our evening bottle and fall asleep.
<br />lay in bed for 45 minute to an hour.
<br />(during that time i get everything out and ready)
<br />I gently lift him out of bed and go to the comfy rocker recliner and start the treatments.
<br />He sleeps right through it.
<br />If I try right after he falls asleep it wakes him up
<br />If I wait to long he wakes up and is angry and want to eat and will try to suckle on the mask whaile screaming