As I write this as a 30 year old not a parent, my history is I was sick young one until 6 and very healthly until 25. I've lived on 3 continents, been in the army for 4 years. Normally when I read comments like this I bite my lip because I'm not a parent, but when I was young, I had a Very Great Cf Dr by the name of Hans Vesell(or something like that) at children's memorial in Chicago. He told my parents that being super clean in the long run can be worse then good, because our body's need to learn how to defeat in coming viruses, bacteria, and such. It's like allergies, people who live in cities develop them, and farmers or people in the country do not. I know studies have said that being in a super clean environments can have a lot unforeseen problems, like getting minor viruses and bateria that the body should be able to fight on it's own but needs help, antibiotics and such.
I know with having/being Cfer's we deal with a lot of stuff, one thing I did realize when I turned 30, I've done very stupid things in my life, but I learned from them, and some of them were fun. But what I did learn is that being scared of what could happen, is not a way to live. What I'm saying is if something is going happen it's going to happen in my experience. With Cf and our bugs, I've had msra from what I read in my medical file for close to 20 years or more, in 15 years I did not pass it to anyone or did I get something else, why 17, because in the past 3 years Mrsa because of it flaring and have to be delt with vanco and now zyvox. But I have not gained any new bugs or have my bugs change much other then normal change with the antibiotics.
Im try to pass on what I've learned in my time, like I speak like an grandparent, but I never thought I'd live this long. I've have the great fortune to live in a time where when I was born/dia with Cf at 6 months my life expectancy has increased as of this writing 10 fold. So I can tell you when you with young ones now will like see a cure or something that is able to manage it.