How do you keep people from touching babies in stores?



Sometimes it's like I need a don't touch sign on my kids. People will come up coughing and try to pinch their cheecks . That drives me nuts.


New member
EWWWWWWWWW, that drives me CRAZY<img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">!!!!!!!!! That is why I dont take mine anywhere, not to mention people dont know in 2005 to STAY HOME if they are sick!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">. I have ran into a store once with her and kept her covered, I could just tell people were dying to see what was under their (in her carseat) So, yes I know what you are saying!!!


New member
We found it helpful to get a baby backback and carried our son in it as long as he would fit. People seemed much more reluctant to touch him when they had to reach around a parent's face than when he was more accessible in our arms.

Bambi, mom of Jordan (16 w cf)


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I also either carry the baby in the carrier or have my 3 year old with me. LOL, she flips out if anyone goes near one of "her" babies, so they don't get close enough to touch them!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
When my daughter was young I would just tell people in stores not to touch her. I was pretty direct about it but still polite. If they asked why I would say she had a medical condition and that she shouldn't have all kinds of people touching her.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Hello ,when we found out my son had CF it change my veiws on a lot of things,one being going near my son ppl wanting to touch him ect. I found that a nice please dont touch him would do fine and when ppl would dare to ask why i would give them the reason and end it with perhaps if you would like to help you could go to<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
now at the age of 5 he does not even shake ppl's hands he just says simply that i dont mean to be rude but i would rather not thank you. Ooohhhh the baby back pack LOVE that.

Irishsoulang/Angie Mom of 2w/CF


New member
Thank you for the help everyone. I don't know anyone other then my kids with cf so its good to have someone with cf expierence. My boys are 5 months and 2 yrs. I always try to explain to people why not to touch them. Are any cf kids ever on the growth charts?


New member
Use a sling keeps babies nice and close like a carrier. I wouldn't get too freaky about people touching kids if they aren't hacking or just walking out of the bathroom. I mean, as scary as it is, your kids are going to pick dirty things up off the floor, flush a toilet, climb on a restaurant seat, go to school, share toys... They are going to get germs. Keep some baby wipes or hand sanitizer with you if that makes you feel better. Teach them to wash their hands faithfully and not to put their hands in their mouth. Other than that, try to treat them the same way you would treat a child without CF. You still don't want someone with the plague smearing their hands all over. But, not every person is a grave danger to your child. Most of us adults were never told to be that careful, we almost all went to public school, very few of us were breastfed (which is probably the best thing you can do to prevent your child with CF catching things, btw) and we're all here. I'm not trying to be harsh, please don't take it that way - just realistic. You don't want your child to grow up having not only CF, but emotional/mental issues from being treated so differently also.