Hello, friends...
So, many have been following my saga with this recent illness and I'm just really perplexed. After 11 days of IV meds, I'm not feeling any better and my pfts are just barely up 2%. Blah. This is highly unusual for me. I"m still tired and still coughing up stuff, but the stuff I'm coughing up is thinner and less green, so maybe a good sign?
Anyway, I am curious how YOU know when you're totally (or almost totally) better on IV meds? For example, do you still cough up gunk, though it may be thinner, lighter, etc. or does your cough disappear entirely? Do you still have shortness of breath or is that completely "cured" by the middle to end of a clean-out?
I usually felt so much better by day 5-7 that I barely produced any cough and when I did it was super dry. There is no way I could have given a culture at those points. However, now after the 11 days of meds, I'm still coughing and this worries me.
My docs have told me that I AM sensitive to these meds and they will work, they just may need longer this time to kick in. I would accept that, however, some of these days, the longer I'm on the meds, the more I cough and more I cough up. Highly unusual for me.
Just curious what YOUR experience is?
Also, when you've done a course of IV meds, at what point do you KNOW you're "better" and can go off them? Is it all based on how you feel or are your numbers always much higher? Do you ever go off IV meds even if you still have a productive cough?
Thanks everyone! I'm just kinda freakin' out here and am curious what others experience.
p.s. Nightwriter, I appreciate all your insigh on what else may be causing my issues... It may NOT all be an exacerbation, which would maybe explain not getting good results. I have been sliding pretty consistently though in fev1 just over the past few months, so I think my infections had something to do with it. I am curious though, if it IS asthma related (I'm on all sorts of meds for asthma and allergies, even though I don't have allergies.) would I still be coughing stuff up? I always thought inflammation of airways just makes you SOB and gives other symptoms, but not necessarily green sputum. Thoughts?
So, many have been following my saga with this recent illness and I'm just really perplexed. After 11 days of IV meds, I'm not feeling any better and my pfts are just barely up 2%. Blah. This is highly unusual for me. I"m still tired and still coughing up stuff, but the stuff I'm coughing up is thinner and less green, so maybe a good sign?
Anyway, I am curious how YOU know when you're totally (or almost totally) better on IV meds? For example, do you still cough up gunk, though it may be thinner, lighter, etc. or does your cough disappear entirely? Do you still have shortness of breath or is that completely "cured" by the middle to end of a clean-out?
I usually felt so much better by day 5-7 that I barely produced any cough and when I did it was super dry. There is no way I could have given a culture at those points. However, now after the 11 days of meds, I'm still coughing and this worries me.
My docs have told me that I AM sensitive to these meds and they will work, they just may need longer this time to kick in. I would accept that, however, some of these days, the longer I'm on the meds, the more I cough and more I cough up. Highly unusual for me.
Just curious what YOUR experience is?
Also, when you've done a course of IV meds, at what point do you KNOW you're "better" and can go off them? Is it all based on how you feel or are your numbers always much higher? Do you ever go off IV meds even if you still have a productive cough?
Thanks everyone! I'm just kinda freakin' out here and am curious what others experience.
p.s. Nightwriter, I appreciate all your insigh on what else may be causing my issues... It may NOT all be an exacerbation, which would maybe explain not getting good results. I have been sliding pretty consistently though in fev1 just over the past few months, so I think my infections had something to do with it. I am curious though, if it IS asthma related (I'm on all sorts of meds for asthma and allergies, even though I don't have allergies.) would I still be coughing stuff up? I always thought inflammation of airways just makes you SOB and gives other symptoms, but not necessarily green sputum. Thoughts?