I just receive the new AFFLO VEST and I am liking it...not LOVING it.....but liking it. Blue Cross received the bill for $12, 995 and bartered it down to just under $9,000 while my 20% came to $2,164. No more hoses to connect....just walk, Wii, Xbox or drive the car or golf cart, knowing you are "AFFLO"-ing at the same time. Getting a treatment done without a fight because I can rake the leaves and get it in. I do one hour four time every day because that works nicely for me. I turn it all the way up to beat the snot right outta me! It's not a magical device that does any better than the Hill-Rom Vest, just another way of doing the same thing but with more independence NT to be tied to a wall socket for electrical power. My family even saw it hanging on a chair back and asked why I had a life jacket in my room...they did NOT know it was the new AFFLO Vest. I let them ALL try it on and they got to feel what it might feel like to be beaten up for CF. I have a Large size and I'm liking it......