Wow you have alot going on!! Don't feel like you are the only one feeling this way. Everyone does at times- it's a common "mommy problem." And then we add CF or any other special need to the mix and the problem becomes much bigger.
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<br />I have an article about this issue on my website. Here's the link: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> It's under the "Ask Dr. Cline" Q&A under Chapter 1: Parental Self-care.
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<br />There are alot of practical tips there that will help give you ideas. One thing might be to cut down on the activities that the kids are involved in. I know it's hard- we might even feel like we are depriving them- but research shows that kids are happier when they are "less busy" and show signs of stress when they are over-scheduled. We personally limit our kids to two activities each- one sport and one other (they both chose scouts). And I know that even one intense sport can be all-consuming!
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<br />So, it boils down to choices and what your values are for your family. Do you value dinners together? Time to sit and talk? Kids who are creative? (Kids who are allowed the opportunity to become "bored" tend to be the most creative as long as the parents allow the kids to solve their own boredom problem.)
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<br />I think that we parents sometimes get caught on the "treadmill" and are not as purposeful as we should be about limiting activities and screen time. The world will intrude as much as we allow it to and it gets hard to say "no" to school activities, sports, & social stuff. But we have to or else we get stressed out and burned out and then everyone is miserable.
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<br />You know the saying: "If mamma ain't happy, nobody's happy!" And it's true. So take good care of yourself and make your needs equally as important as everyone elses.
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<br />I hope your hand and toe are feeling better soon!
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<br />Hugs!
<br />Lisa
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