I don't know if any of this can be adapted to other situations, but here are some situations I have been in and some things I did that were fairly effective:
When I was still extremely ill and newly diagnosed, my kids were asking me up to 40 times a day "How do you feel?" At some point, I began snarkily saying "I am going to start a website and post my hourly and minutely updates on how I FEEL in both German and Spanish so that all this fretting will at least be educational." After that, they only asked me about 5 or 6 times a day. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> My oldest son's explanation: once I became sarcastic, he figured I was getting back to my old self and, yes, mostly likely I would live. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
At some point, I had a serious discussion with my kids about how this totally sucked and I was facing a long, hard, miserable recovery but I <b>would</b> live. So please quit freaking out over every little cough. I need my energy to take care of myself and answering constant questions about how I feel only sucks away my energy.
A few years ago, a man I knew learned I have CF and started on the pity party routine. I asked him if I should feel sorry for him for having been born male since he doesn't know what it's like to be female. I told him I was BORN this way and I don't know what it's like to be any other way. This is just how it is. And life with a diagnosis is so much better than life without one. He never brought it up again.
I have told people that I really needed their sympathy a lot more when I didn't have a diagnosis and everyone just thought I was "lazy" and "difficult" and "wouldn't be sick all the time if I would just eat my vegetables". Having a diagnosis gets me a lot of pity but I am really a lot better off since I was finally correctly diagnosed. Not having a diagnosis just got me crapped on by people who had ridiculous, unrealistic expectations of me.
I have told people I don't need anyone's pity. It does nothing to enhance my life. But I do deeply appreciate compassion for the things I struggle with, patience and tolerance when I make an arse of myself because of medication issues and/or just not feeling well, and so forth.
I try to have patience with people who have just learned something "big" about me and are overwhelmed but I refuse to get dragged into their emotional swirl. It is <b>their</b> emotional stuff, not mine. I already came to grips with this stuff. I don't need emotional fixing and I really don't have the time or energy to get sucked into their emotional reaction to this "news". It isn't news to me. I already know and have known for some time. I respect the fact that it can be tough to swallow, but I do my best to make sure they understand it is THEM that is having a hard time swallowing it, not me.
Peace and good luck with this.