My son is in the hospital this week due to pneumonia. The way his clinic works is that there is one pulmonologist on rotation at a time in the hospital. So chances are the doctor treating you isn't my children's cf doctor. We have been discussing with my son's cf doctor the past few weeks on whether or not a bronchoscopy is needed. Now that we are in-patient the doctor on rotation is making all of the decisions and will be the one doing the bronch. This doctor is new to clinic and I just met him a few days ago. Seems nice enough, but I sure would like my son's doctor doing the procedure. I imagine life is easier for the doctors not having to go upstairs to the hospital when when of their patients in the hospital, but I am not a fan of having someone new make all of the decisions. How does it work in your clinic?
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf, Grant, a year today! no cf
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf, Grant, a year today! no cf