How far to your clinic?


New member
Our boys clinic is in our local hospital, or in a town 30 mins away, we can go to a specialist childrens hospital in Glasgow, 40 mins away.How far do you all have to travel? I seem to remember reading that someones clinic was 800 miles away. And would any of you upsticks to move closer to the clinic?



New member
We live 1 hour away from our CF clinic. I guess it doesn't bother us to fo that far unless his health would get worse down the road - then it would be kinda a pain.

Mother of 9 yr old boy w cf


New member
2 hours one way, one a month to every other month for regular check-ups. When hospitalized it stinks because I stay with him the whole time and we have 3 other kids at home.


New member
Our clinic is about 50 minutes with no traffic. With traffic can take about two hours. And in Southern California there is almost always traffic.


New member
We're about 20 min away. Right through the tunnel and we're there!!!! Sometimes it takes just another 10 min. ~ 15 min. w/ tunnel traffic in the morning. We love being soooo close when he's in the hosptial.


New member
we are about 90 mins from the cf clinic...... Id rather go to his ped. which is less than 5 mins away!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Melissa mom to dylan 7 nocf and caleb 4wcf


New member
We travel 250 miles one way 500 round trip . I do it monthly. It is the only certified cf clinic in Arizona, it is in Pheniox. There is one in Tuscon.45 minutes farther, basically the other side of the city.


New member
The one we were using was 2 hours Cheyenne is going to one that is only 45 minutes away. She goes once a month and with the gas prices now it would really add up.


New member
We travel about 2 hours each way to go to our sons clinic. We have options to go closer to home but we chose to go to this clinic.



New member
Our clinic is just under 2 hours from home but so worth the trip. We make the drive every 3 months so it's not to bad.


New member
Two miles. We lived near the medical center and downtown before we had kids. We would have probably moved further away by now but choose to stay close due to their diagnosis.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
It's about 2 1/2 houres each way. My mom always complains and tries to get me to go with my grandmother :-\. I actually enjoy the drive every 3 months.


New member
My doctor is about 10-15 minutes away, but I am in a relatively small city. My doctor also isn't a specific CF doc, he's a thoracic physician. To see the CF doc I'd have to travel 3-4 hours to a different state.. no thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>wuffles</b></i>
To see the CF doc I'd have to travel 3-4 hours to a different state.. no thanks <img src=""></end quote></div>

Wow, that would suck. That's life if I descided to transfer to Stanford, that's about what I'de have to do :\


New member
Yes it would! However, the thoracic physicians in my city are all very competent and treat a fair few CF patients. In Australia I don't believe we have that many "clinics" like they do in the states, with the nurses and all that. We do have a few, but I've never been to a full-blown one.


Staff member
Ours is about 3 1/2 hours each way. We usually make an appointment for a Friday afternoon and then make a weekend out of it -- do some shopping, meet up with some relatives and friends who live in the city. There's a non-accreditted cf clinic in our town, but we're becoming increasingly uncomfortable with it -- they're more reactive that proactive (not agressive in their treatment methods) and the tiny community waiting room and no germ protocol is getting stressful.

Liza mom to a 2 3/4 year old wcf