How far to your clinic?


New member
Ours is about 2.5 hours. Haileys DR (he is the director of the cf clinic here) comes to the next town over from me the 1st Wed of every month so that makes it a 45 min drive. The entire staff comes down which is nice that wasy we always see the same people


New member
We drive 25 min to downtown indy to Riley Hospital for Children and all of our Doctors are in there! which im glad its not far because ashton HATES riding in the car he cries until he finally falls asleep!

ashton 5 /2 mo with cf
abbi 5 yo without cf


New member
Ours is about 800 miles away.....about 1 1/2 plane ride. Driving would take about 8-10 hours. El Paso, TX to San Antonio, TX.



New member
Wow it's so different living in a smaller place or whatever. My CF clinic is at the hospital which is like, just around the corner from where I live lol. I cannot imagine having to drive 8-10 hours ANYWHERE! Hehe.

Phoebe xx.


New member
We drive 3 1/2 to 4 hours to clinic. We just make it a family trip every 3 months. I wish we could make the visits on Mondays but they only have clinic on Tuesdays. That makes it harder because it requires 2 days off work for both my husband and myself (we have to drive up on Monday and come back on Tuesday night).


New member
Our clinic is about 45min. to an hour away and well worth it.... We love our doctors and nurses. They are awesome...always ask how everyone in the family is doing and are really up to date with what is going on in Kaits life. We love Cols Childrens Hospital.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks for all the replies, its staggering the distance some of you have to travel, my hat off to you. DS specialist nurse is only a phone call away and she often comes to our house to see us for usually a couple of hours, she has became such a good friend, and to be frank, we would be lost without her, she trully is an angel.


New member
The clinic here is a satellite clinic. They come two consecutive days per month and bring staff with them. The main clinic is 3-1/2 hrs away. Our allergist also has a satellite clinic and brings his staff one day every 2 months. His main office is 2 hours in the opposite direction of the cf clinic.


New member
Our Cf clinic is about 3 1/2 hours one way. It is a almost 400 mles round trip. {This is if our 3 year old doesn't ask for to many potty breaks.} We live in a small town and the doctors around here don't know much about the illness. It also really sucks when he gets hospitalized because me or his father have to stay the two weeks with him there and we have three other kids at home. It makes things rough at times but it is worth it because his doctors are really excellent.


New member
I'm just responding to the person who asked why we take 2 days off work for the CF Clinic visits... It takes us 4 hours to drive it so we drive up on Monday, have appts on Tuesday mornings and drive back that evening. I guess we could technically work all day Monday, leave for San Antonio around 6:00 and get there around 10:00 but that is really hard for us with 5 kids. By the time we would get checked in the hotel and all it would be at least 10:30 and we have to be up and out by 6:30 or 7:00 in order to have breakfast before our visit... It's just too hard for on the kids (and us too) to be that rushed.


New member
Our clinic is 6 hours away. Our daughter was diagnosed 3 months ago and we've basically turned our lives upside down. My husband got a new job and we've bought a new home and are moving next week so we can be closer to our CF clinic and docs, we'll now only be 45 min - 1 hour away.