How is your relationship with your spouse/significant other?


New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.


New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.


New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.


New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.


New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.


New member
Our life looks nothing like it did before, but I have given up all thoughts of controlling my life. Our whole family is closer since our son's diagnosis. His first year of life was the hardest thing we have ever endured, but we allowed it to change us as it needed. This has not been an easy choice but we have been given a tremendous chance to see life as being even more precious then we knew it to be before our son. Both of our children have changed us and it is in a way that boggles my mind. THey have each brought us back to who we really are, helped us reconnect to our passions for writing, art, music and helped us to know how to slow down and do nothing. They each inspire us to go deeper and change old family patterns and hurts to allow something new to come through.

CF absolutely challenges me to be fully present in each day, to reach out to my community, to give fully to myself and my children. We have had to heal many things along the way to come back to each other in a place of trust again and are still working toward reinstating an intimate relationship among all the tasks and business of the days.

Caring for a young family makes it extrememly challenging for the couple...however, when I look at my husband I still see his kindness, love, and gentle ways...that remains our connection and continues to bring joy to our family. He is an amazing man and I am so supported by his dedication and love.

Thank you for asking...I am going to go plan a special weekend away for us...we haven't been alone in over a year! It is time!


New member
Our life looks nothing like it did before, but I have given up all thoughts of controlling my life. Our whole family is closer since our son's diagnosis. His first year of life was the hardest thing we have ever endured, but we allowed it to change us as it needed. This has not been an easy choice but we have been given a tremendous chance to see life as being even more precious then we knew it to be before our son. Both of our children have changed us and it is in a way that boggles my mind. THey have each brought us back to who we really are, helped us reconnect to our passions for writing, art, music and helped us to know how to slow down and do nothing. They each inspire us to go deeper and change old family patterns and hurts to allow something new to come through.

CF absolutely challenges me to be fully present in each day, to reach out to my community, to give fully to myself and my children. We have had to heal many things along the way to come back to each other in a place of trust again and are still working toward reinstating an intimate relationship among all the tasks and business of the days.

Caring for a young family makes it extrememly challenging for the couple...however, when I look at my husband I still see his kindness, love, and gentle ways...that remains our connection and continues to bring joy to our family. He is an amazing man and I am so supported by his dedication and love.

Thank you for asking...I am going to go plan a special weekend away for us...we haven't been alone in over a year! It is time!


New member
Our life looks nothing like it did before, but I have given up all thoughts of controlling my life. Our whole family is closer since our son's diagnosis. His first year of life was the hardest thing we have ever endured, but we allowed it to change us as it needed. This has not been an easy choice but we have been given a tremendous chance to see life as being even more precious then we knew it to be before our son. Both of our children have changed us and it is in a way that boggles my mind. THey have each brought us back to who we really are, helped us reconnect to our passions for writing, art, music and helped us to know how to slow down and do nothing. They each inspire us to go deeper and change old family patterns and hurts to allow something new to come through.

CF absolutely challenges me to be fully present in each day, to reach out to my community, to give fully to myself and my children. We have had to heal many things along the way to come back to each other in a place of trust again and are still working toward reinstating an intimate relationship among all the tasks and business of the days.

Caring for a young family makes it extrememly challenging for the couple...however, when I look at my husband I still see his kindness, love, and gentle ways...that remains our connection and continues to bring joy to our family. He is an amazing man and I am so supported by his dedication and love.

Thank you for asking...I am going to go plan a special weekend away for us...we haven't been alone in over a year! It is time!


New member
Our life looks nothing like it did before, but I have given up all thoughts of controlling my life. Our whole family is closer since our son's diagnosis. His first year of life was the hardest thing we have ever endured, but we allowed it to change us as it needed. This has not been an easy choice but we have been given a tremendous chance to see life as being even more precious then we knew it to be before our son. Both of our children have changed us and it is in a way that boggles my mind. THey have each brought us back to who we really are, helped us reconnect to our passions for writing, art, music and helped us to know how to slow down and do nothing. They each inspire us to go deeper and change old family patterns and hurts to allow something new to come through.

CF absolutely challenges me to be fully present in each day, to reach out to my community, to give fully to myself and my children. We have had to heal many things along the way to come back to each other in a place of trust again and are still working toward reinstating an intimate relationship among all the tasks and business of the days.

Caring for a young family makes it extrememly challenging for the couple...however, when I look at my husband I still see his kindness, love, and gentle ways...that remains our connection and continues to bring joy to our family. He is an amazing man and I am so supported by his dedication and love.

Thank you for asking...I am going to go plan a special weekend away for us...we haven't been alone in over a year! It is time!


New member
Our life looks nothing like it did before, but I have given up all thoughts of controlling my life. Our whole family is closer since our son's diagnosis. His first year of life was the hardest thing we have ever endured, but we allowed it to change us as it needed. This has not been an easy choice but we have been given a tremendous chance to see life as being even more precious then we knew it to be before our son. Both of our children have changed us and it is in a way that boggles my mind. THey have each brought us back to who we really are, helped us reconnect to our passions for writing, art, music and helped us to know how to slow down and do nothing. They each inspire us to go deeper and change old family patterns and hurts to allow something new to come through.
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<br />CF absolutely challenges me to be fully present in each day, to reach out to my community, to give fully to myself and my children. We have had to heal many things along the way to come back to each other in a place of trust again and are still working toward reinstating an intimate relationship among all the tasks and business of the days.
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<br />Caring for a young family makes it extrememly challenging for the couple...however, when I look at my husband I still see his kindness, love, and gentle ways...that remains our connection and continues to bring joy to our family. He is an amazing man and I am so supported by his dedication and love.
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<br />Thank you for asking...I am going to go plan a special weekend away for us...we haven't been alone in over a year! It is time!


New member
Andy and I have been married for almost eight years. We've been together since 1996. We have shared pretty much everything in our life together. In 2005 we decied it was time to have a baby. It took us a couple of years to get pregnant and when we did we were so excited and so scared. During the pregnancy we had a couple of scares and I constantly worried that something was going to be wrong. What would I do if I had a child who wasn't perfect. Everyone thought I was being silly and said all moms have that worry. I just couldn't help but constantly think about that. Andy was right there by side pretty much waiting on me hand and foot for nine months. When Ellie came she was perfect. Everything about her. Things went so well for the first month and a half. I was breastfeeding but Andy would get up in the middle of the night too. When she fussed or cried he was constantly there. Then in January we found out she had cf. We both went through issues of guilt and blame. Ellie was (and still is) so loved, but we didn't really take the time to process and help each other. I got scared because I thought we might lose each other because of this. I decided to quit my job to stay home with her (something we definitely weren't planning on). We were strapped financially and emotionally and it was taking it's toll on us. We finally opened up to each other and put all of our feelings out there. We worked through everything we were feeling. We also are finally getting somewhat of a routine down. Things are definitely so much better. Andy is so wonderful (always has been) and I know I'm so lucky to have in. He does so much to help Ellie and me. It's still hard, but we always try to be open and honest with what we feel.


New member
Andy and I have been married for almost eight years. We've been together since 1996. We have shared pretty much everything in our life together. In 2005 we decied it was time to have a baby. It took us a couple of years to get pregnant and when we did we were so excited and so scared. During the pregnancy we had a couple of scares and I constantly worried that something was going to be wrong. What would I do if I had a child who wasn't perfect. Everyone thought I was being silly and said all moms have that worry. I just couldn't help but constantly think about that. Andy was right there by side pretty much waiting on me hand and foot for nine months. When Ellie came she was perfect. Everything about her. Things went so well for the first month and a half. I was breastfeeding but Andy would get up in the middle of the night too. When she fussed or cried he was constantly there. Then in January we found out she had cf. We both went through issues of guilt and blame. Ellie was (and still is) so loved, but we didn't really take the time to process and help each other. I got scared because I thought we might lose each other because of this. I decided to quit my job to stay home with her (something we definitely weren't planning on). We were strapped financially and emotionally and it was taking it's toll on us. We finally opened up to each other and put all of our feelings out there. We worked through everything we were feeling. We also are finally getting somewhat of a routine down. Things are definitely so much better. Andy is so wonderful (always has been) and I know I'm so lucky to have in. He does so much to help Ellie and me. It's still hard, but we always try to be open and honest with what we feel.


New member
Andy and I have been married for almost eight years. We've been together since 1996. We have shared pretty much everything in our life together. In 2005 we decied it was time to have a baby. It took us a couple of years to get pregnant and when we did we were so excited and so scared. During the pregnancy we had a couple of scares and I constantly worried that something was going to be wrong. What would I do if I had a child who wasn't perfect. Everyone thought I was being silly and said all moms have that worry. I just couldn't help but constantly think about that. Andy was right there by side pretty much waiting on me hand and foot for nine months. When Ellie came she was perfect. Everything about her. Things went so well for the first month and a half. I was breastfeeding but Andy would get up in the middle of the night too. When she fussed or cried he was constantly there. Then in January we found out she had cf. We both went through issues of guilt and blame. Ellie was (and still is) so loved, but we didn't really take the time to process and help each other. I got scared because I thought we might lose each other because of this. I decided to quit my job to stay home with her (something we definitely weren't planning on). We were strapped financially and emotionally and it was taking it's toll on us. We finally opened up to each other and put all of our feelings out there. We worked through everything we were feeling. We also are finally getting somewhat of a routine down. Things are definitely so much better. Andy is so wonderful (always has been) and I know I'm so lucky to have in. He does so much to help Ellie and me. It's still hard, but we always try to be open and honest with what we feel.


New member
Andy and I have been married for almost eight years. We've been together since 1996. We have shared pretty much everything in our life together. In 2005 we decied it was time to have a baby. It took us a couple of years to get pregnant and when we did we were so excited and so scared. During the pregnancy we had a couple of scares and I constantly worried that something was going to be wrong. What would I do if I had a child who wasn't perfect. Everyone thought I was being silly and said all moms have that worry. I just couldn't help but constantly think about that. Andy was right there by side pretty much waiting on me hand and foot for nine months. When Ellie came she was perfect. Everything about her. Things went so well for the first month and a half. I was breastfeeding but Andy would get up in the middle of the night too. When she fussed or cried he was constantly there. Then in January we found out she had cf. We both went through issues of guilt and blame. Ellie was (and still is) so loved, but we didn't really take the time to process and help each other. I got scared because I thought we might lose each other because of this. I decided to quit my job to stay home with her (something we definitely weren't planning on). We were strapped financially and emotionally and it was taking it's toll on us. We finally opened up to each other and put all of our feelings out there. We worked through everything we were feeling. We also are finally getting somewhat of a routine down. Things are definitely so much better. Andy is so wonderful (always has been) and I know I'm so lucky to have in. He does so much to help Ellie and me. It's still hard, but we always try to be open and honest with what we feel.


New member
Andy and I have been married for almost eight years. We've been together since 1996. We have shared pretty much everything in our life together. In 2005 we decied it was time to have a baby. It took us a couple of years to get pregnant and when we did we were so excited and so scared. During the pregnancy we had a couple of scares and I constantly worried that something was going to be wrong. What would I do if I had a child who wasn't perfect. Everyone thought I was being silly and said all moms have that worry. I just couldn't help but constantly think about that. Andy was right there by side pretty much waiting on me hand and foot for nine months. When Ellie came she was perfect. Everything about her. Things went so well for the first month and a half. I was breastfeeding but Andy would get up in the middle of the night too. When she fussed or cried he was constantly there. Then in January we found out she had cf. We both went through issues of guilt and blame. Ellie was (and still is) so loved, but we didn't really take the time to process and help each other. I got scared because I thought we might lose each other because of this. I decided to quit my job to stay home with her (something we definitely weren't planning on). We were strapped financially and emotionally and it was taking it's toll on us. We finally opened up to each other and put all of our feelings out there. We worked through everything we were feeling. We also are finally getting somewhat of a routine down. Things are definitely so much better. Andy is so wonderful (always has been) and I know I'm so lucky to have in. He does so much to help Ellie and me. It's still hard, but we always try to be open and honest with what we feel.
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New member
My son was diagnosed at 4 months old. My ex-husband and i split up when he was 2yrs old. Not sure if the stresses of cf having anything to do with it, he was irresponsible, and could not hold down a job for any amount of time. I really do not think it would have played out much different if my son did not have cf. I have been raising him on my own for 7 years now, its very difficult. I have a fiance'. He has been in our life for 5 years now, but i am still the main caregiver. I just don't feel right asking him to get involved in doctor appointments and meds unless my son is home sick, then he chips in. When my son is sick, which can be fairly often, i notice a big strain, it can seem like the my fiance' is struggling for my attention and i cannot seem to give it very easily when i am taking care of iv antiobotics or increased treatments.

To sum it up, i would give anything to have my son's natural father active in his life and his care, but that is just not the way it is. My fiance' just doesnt get meds and the emotional stress i am feelign.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 4 months old. My ex-husband and i split up when he was 2yrs old. Not sure if the stresses of cf having anything to do with it, he was irresponsible, and could not hold down a job for any amount of time. I really do not think it would have played out much different if my son did not have cf. I have been raising him on my own for 7 years now, its very difficult. I have a fiance'. He has been in our life for 5 years now, but i am still the main caregiver. I just don't feel right asking him to get involved in doctor appointments and meds unless my son is home sick, then he chips in. When my son is sick, which can be fairly often, i notice a big strain, it can seem like the my fiance' is struggling for my attention and i cannot seem to give it very easily when i am taking care of iv antiobotics or increased treatments.

To sum it up, i would give anything to have my son's natural father active in his life and his care, but that is just not the way it is. My fiance' just doesnt get meds and the emotional stress i am feelign.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 4 months old. My ex-husband and i split up when he was 2yrs old. Not sure if the stresses of cf having anything to do with it, he was irresponsible, and could not hold down a job for any amount of time. I really do not think it would have played out much different if my son did not have cf. I have been raising him on my own for 7 years now, its very difficult. I have a fiance'. He has been in our life for 5 years now, but i am still the main caregiver. I just don't feel right asking him to get involved in doctor appointments and meds unless my son is home sick, then he chips in. When my son is sick, which can be fairly often, i notice a big strain, it can seem like the my fiance' is struggling for my attention and i cannot seem to give it very easily when i am taking care of iv antiobotics or increased treatments.

To sum it up, i would give anything to have my son's natural father active in his life and his care, but that is just not the way it is. My fiance' just doesnt get meds and the emotional stress i am feelign.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 4 months old. My ex-husband and i split up when he was 2yrs old. Not sure if the stresses of cf having anything to do with it, he was irresponsible, and could not hold down a job for any amount of time. I really do not think it would have played out much different if my son did not have cf. I have been raising him on my own for 7 years now, its very difficult. I have a fiance'. He has been in our life for 5 years now, but i am still the main caregiver. I just don't feel right asking him to get involved in doctor appointments and meds unless my son is home sick, then he chips in. When my son is sick, which can be fairly often, i notice a big strain, it can seem like the my fiance' is struggling for my attention and i cannot seem to give it very easily when i am taking care of iv antiobotics or increased treatments.

To sum it up, i would give anything to have my son's natural father active in his life and his care, but that is just not the way it is. My fiance' just doesnt get meds and the emotional stress i am feelign.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 4 months old. My ex-husband and i split up when he was 2yrs old. Not sure if the stresses of cf having anything to do with it, he was irresponsible, and could not hold down a job for any amount of time. I really do not think it would have played out much different if my son did not have cf. I have been raising him on my own for 7 years now, its very difficult. I have a fiance'. He has been in our life for 5 years now, but i am still the main caregiver. I just don't feel right asking him to get involved in doctor appointments and meds unless my son is home sick, then he chips in. When my son is sick, which can be fairly often, i notice a big strain, it can seem like the my fiance' is struggling for my attention and i cannot seem to give it very easily when i am taking care of iv antiobotics or increased treatments.
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<br />To sum it up, i would give anything to have my son's natural father active in his life and his care, but that is just not the way it is. My fiance' just doesnt get meds and the emotional stress i am feelign.