New member
My husband and I started dating when I was 15 and I am now 27. We have been married for about 3 1/2 years and had our first son before we were married. We are very close, we have always been there for each other when one of us needs to vent or cry. We do not cry often but when our second child was born and we found out he also had CF it was hard. There were nights that I would lay in bed and cry. I would have to say that my husband is great. When it comes to the kids we split duties. He gives the kids a bath, I get them dressed, he cooks dinner while I get CPT and aerosols going, he gets my 8 year old g-button milk ready while I am finishing treatment on our 3 year old. He is very helpful with the household chores also, he washes the clothes, I fold them and put them away, he also hangs things up. I clean the bathroom while he keeps the living room vacuumed and picked up, I do the dishwasher but he cook 90% of the time. I really believe that you really have to be married to someone who is there emotionally for you as well as physically helping with the treatments. I am very lucky when it comes to my husband.