How long do you bleed for?


New member
Last night I coughed and up came the blood, now it was never stright liquid blood but it was liquid blood with a tiny bit of mucus, heck it may of been just spit. I didnt make me cough like it normally does. Normally when I bleed it makes me cough and up it comes, and keeps comming. I had to make myself cough to get it up. For the last week I have been having the blood feeling in my chest and checking my cough every time but no blood. It settled down to streaks last night. Then everytime today after and inhaler there were the streaks again. I have never contiuned to bleed after the intal time. This is kind of scaring me becuse I usually bleed then its over. But I have never continued to streak. Has anyone had this. Im sure you have but just hearing some of you talk would really help me right now. I am on bactrim and levaquiin right now, and a high dose of flovent (the higest you can take) I am having big asthma flare ups.


New member
Coughing blood is the most scary part of CF. So sorry you are going through this.

Have you stopped all of your treatments? Vest, pulmozyme, exercise, etc?


New member
Were you not on anything for a week and that's why it happened? Or were you not on anything for a week because it happened.


New member
Hi Alisha,
Have you told your cf dr. ? They may make changes in your medications, like holding albuterol etc. I think streaking can be very common after a bleed. I have had it happen to me. I know how frightening it can be. Hope you are feeling better soon ..
<3 joni


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Don't know if you know this but I'll throw it out there anyways. After my first bleed I started researching on it and found posts where someone (can't remember if it was on here or another forum I'm on so credit to them) mentioned taking lysine which I tried it and it works to help it stop so ever since I always have some on hand. What it does is it constricts the capillaries/veins so constricting the area that's bleeding which gives it a better chance to clot and close off quicker and for me it works. If it's a bad bleed I'll take 2000mg but if not so bad then I'll take 1000mg. I got it from GNC - L-Lysine 1000mg per tablet but I'm sure you can find it just about anywhere that has supplements/vitamins


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Asexyblond23</b></i> Yes I was actually not on anything for about a week when this happened</end quote>

My gut would be, then, that you have some mucus stuck. If you haven't done treatments, then your hard, sticky mucus is collecting weighing on the airways, rather than mobilizing.

My doc tells me to hold treatments when I cough blood as well, but unless it's pure red blood (which I get often, but not always), I continue treatments because for me it's usually lots of mucus just stuck. Once I get up the mucus the bleeding goes away.

Every person is so so different, though, so be careful with experimenting. Maybe it's time for IVs in the hospital with aggressive CPT to see if you guys can put an end to the bleed? Sounds like you have an exiting flare up if you're on PO abx already


New member
my first real heavy round with coughing up blood lasted 2-3 days. that was fairly high volume some streaking mostly strait liquid. Most the time tho i go to coughing up blood and its a no where near that volume and ends with in an hour. My CF clinic has always told me stop RT for 3 days after last bit of blood take it easy and to come in if I see persistent or high volume.


I just finished a 2 week bleed I used vitamin K 5mg 3x a day it went from bright red then streaking, back to red then dark brown before stopping but in between I wld have no secretions which was very weird we stopped my pulmozyme for those 2 weeks. Pat-CF-57


New member
If you bleed so much, have your lung arteries checked. You might need an embolization to reduce the flow of blood to your lungs. Don't wait too much...