how long doyou wait for a return call/email from doctor?


New member
Just wondering how long you typically wait for a return call/email from doctor on a non-urgent issue? At DS's last appt., we were told to contact clinic if he continued to have stamina issues that were leading to any missed school time. The doc had a medication (anti-depressant) that she would prescribe him if he didn't show improvement in a couple of weeks. Not an urgent situation but tried to reach them in mid-september and early october with no response!! Is this typical in your experience? We go to National Children's in DC (for now).


New member
Just wondering how long you typically wait for a return call/email from doctor on a non-urgent issue? At DS's last appt., we were told to contact clinic if he continued to have stamina issues that were leading to any missed school time. The doc had a medication (anti-depressant) that she would prescribe him if he didn't show improvement in a couple of weeks. Not an urgent situation but tried to reach them in mid-september and early october with no response!! Is this typical in your experience? We go to National Children's in DC (for now).


New member
Just wondering how long you typically wait for a return call/email from doctor on a non-urgent issue? At DS's last appt., we were told to contact clinic if he continued to have stamina issues that were leading to any missed school time. The doc had a medication (anti-depressant) that she would prescribe him if he didn't show improvement in a couple of weeks. Not an urgent situation but tried to reach them in mid-september and early october with no response!! Is this typical in your experience? We go to National Children's in DC (for now).


New member
Waiting 3-4 weeks for a call-back and then calling again and still not hearing back is not acceptable in my opinion. I'd think a non-urgent matter should be responded to within several days tops. I've always heard back the same day I've called or gotten an email response to non-urgent matters within a couple days.

I would consider the possibility that for some reason the dr or nurse didn't get your message (if you speak to a receptionist first when you call for some reason it was misplaced before the right person got it...) but if the dr got the message, there is no reason for waiting that long to hear back.


New member
Waiting 3-4 weeks for a call-back and then calling again and still not hearing back is not acceptable in my opinion. I'd think a non-urgent matter should be responded to within several days tops. I've always heard back the same day I've called or gotten an email response to non-urgent matters within a couple days.

I would consider the possibility that for some reason the dr or nurse didn't get your message (if you speak to a receptionist first when you call for some reason it was misplaced before the right person got it...) but if the dr got the message, there is no reason for waiting that long to hear back.


New member
Waiting 3-4 weeks for a call-back and then calling again and still not hearing back is not acceptable in my opinion. I'd think a non-urgent matter should be responded to within several days tops. I've always heard back the same day I've called or gotten an email response to non-urgent matters within a couple days.
<br />
<br />I would consider the possibility that for some reason the dr or nurse didn't get your message (if you speak to a receptionist first when you call for some reason it was misplaced before the right person got it...) but if the dr got the message, there is no reason for waiting that long to hear back.


Active member

I have found that Doctors are just too busy to return every call/email. In my experience it is better to call/email the Doctors NP or Nurse and let them do the leg work for you. It is in your best interest to create a "friendship" with the Nurse or NP.

I never wait more than 24 hours for a reply to anything.

Good luck,


Active member

I have found that Doctors are just too busy to return every call/email. In my experience it is better to call/email the Doctors NP or Nurse and let them do the leg work for you. It is in your best interest to create a "friendship" with the Nurse or NP.

I never wait more than 24 hours for a reply to anything.

Good luck,


Active member
<br />
<br />I have found that Doctors are just too busy to return every call/email. In my experience it is better to call/email the Doctors NP or Nurse and let them do the leg work for you. It is in your best interest to create a "friendship" with the Nurse or NP.
<br />
<br />I never wait more than 24 hours for a reply to anything.
<br />
<br />Good luck,
<br />Bill
<br />
<br />


Active member
I don't wait long, but I typically don't call for non important stuff. If its for a prescription-I give them 2 days. Other than that they call me back by the end of the day.
For something you are describing-waiting that long is extremely unacceptable!
If that were me, I'd probably skip the over the phone stuff and schedule and appt to discuss the issue. These hospitals all do the same thing-they are busy and non urgent stuff gets forgotten.
Sadly sometimes you have to make a little stink to get what you need.


Active member
I don't wait long, but I typically don't call for non important stuff. If its for a prescription-I give them 2 days. Other than that they call me back by the end of the day.
For something you are describing-waiting that long is extremely unacceptable!
If that were me, I'd probably skip the over the phone stuff and schedule and appt to discuss the issue. These hospitals all do the same thing-they are busy and non urgent stuff gets forgotten.
Sadly sometimes you have to make a little stink to get what you need.


Active member
I don't wait long, but I typically don't call for non important stuff. If its for a prescription-I give them 2 days. Other than that they call me back by the end of the day.
<br />For something you are describing-waiting that long is extremely unacceptable!
<br />If that were me, I'd probably skip the over the phone stuff and schedule and appt to discuss the issue. These hospitals all do the same thing-they are busy and non urgent stuff gets forgotten.
<br />Sadly sometimes you have to make a little stink to get what you need.


Staff member
We usually hear back by the end of the day, even if it's just to say, they're waiting to see back from the doctor and that they'll keep us posted.

Don't get me started on our local clinic though -- I don't expect a call back from them and am surpised if I get one. Or I make my husband call after getting the brush off since he's a tad more persistent (and stubborn). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Or I don't bother calling them to begin with since my expectations are so low.

IMO, I'd make an appointment to deal with this issue directly.


Staff member
We usually hear back by the end of the day, even if it's just to say, they're waiting to see back from the doctor and that they'll keep us posted.

Don't get me started on our local clinic though -- I don't expect a call back from them and am surpised if I get one. Or I make my husband call after getting the brush off since he's a tad more persistent (and stubborn). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Or I don't bother calling them to begin with since my expectations are so low.

IMO, I'd make an appointment to deal with this issue directly.


Staff member
We usually hear back by the end of the day, even if it's just to say, they're waiting to see back from the doctor and that they'll keep us posted.
<br />
<br />Don't get me started on our local clinic though -- I don't expect a call back from them and am surpised if I get one. Or I make my husband call after getting the brush off since he's a tad more persistent (and stubborn). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Or I don't bother calling them to begin with since my expectations are so low.
<br />
<br />IMO, I'd make an appointment to deal with this issue directly.


I would never have the patience to wait 3-4 WEEKS. If I don't hear back in 3-4 days I'd be calling every day until I heard from them. Usually, our CF nurse will get back to us within the day or the next day for less urgent requests.

I had this return call issue with the CF GI and I promptly fired him. I won't put up with a doctor that refuses to call me after I made frantic requests for two weeks straight to hear from him. Part of caring for my child is communicating with me.


I would never have the patience to wait 3-4 WEEKS. If I don't hear back in 3-4 days I'd be calling every day until I heard from them. Usually, our CF nurse will get back to us within the day or the next day for less urgent requests.

I had this return call issue with the CF GI and I promptly fired him. I won't put up with a doctor that refuses to call me after I made frantic requests for two weeks straight to hear from him. Part of caring for my child is communicating with me.


I would never have the patience to wait 3-4 WEEKS. If I don't hear back in 3-4 days I'd be calling every day until I heard from them. Usually, our CF nurse will get back to us within the day or the next day for less urgent requests.
<br />
<br />I had this return call issue with the CF GI and I promptly fired him. I won't put up with a doctor that refuses to call me after I made frantic requests for two weeks straight to hear from him. Part of caring for my child is communicating with me.


New member
Thanks--you have all confirmed what I thought. I do communicate with the nurse/clinic director first. She referred me to the doc. It is a 2-hour drive to the facility so it is not easy to just go for an appt. with work and school. I mentioned before about trying a new place since there have been some other concerns so it is time to move forward and at least get a second opinion about his treatment plan.


New member
Thanks--you have all confirmed what I thought. I do communicate with the nurse/clinic director first. She referred me to the doc. It is a 2-hour drive to the facility so it is not easy to just go for an appt. with work and school. I mentioned before about trying a new place since there have been some other concerns so it is time to move forward and at least get a second opinion about his treatment plan.