how long doyou wait for a return call/email from doctor?


New member
Thanks--you have all confirmed what I thought. I do communicate with the nurse/clinic director first. She referred me to the doc. It is a 2-hour drive to the facility so it is not easy to just go for an appt. with work and school. I mentioned before about trying a new place since there have been some other concerns so it is time to move forward and at least get a second opinion about his treatment plan.


New member
Normally I call My Doc and I always get a call back
in 1 to 2 hours. sometimes even sooner depending on
what hospital he is at on that day. He works out of 3
in the DC area.


New member
Normally I call My Doc and I always get a call back
in 1 to 2 hours. sometimes even sooner depending on
what hospital he is at on that day. He works out of 3
in the DC area.


New member
<br /> Normally I call My Doc and I always get a call back
<br /> in 1 to 2 hours. sometimes even sooner depending on
<br /> what hospital he is at on that day. He works out of 3
<br /> in the DC area.