How long til IV antibiotics take effect? /o2 dependency



It's probably different for everyone....but just looking for some insight here, because I'm in the hospital right now for only the 3rd time in my life, and I don't seem to be getting better :( At least compared to the other two times I was in. I'm on cefepime, IV antibiotic. So, how long does it take for you to start to feel the positive effects of IV antibiotics??

Also, another annoying thing going on, my oxygen dependency is growing. I've never been on o2 in my life, and suddenly I'm on it 24hrs a day. Do you go on more o2 (or o2 at all) when you're in the hospital? I'm hoping I can just get these numbers up soon so I don't have to rely on it, but it seems to be growing worse even with the antibiotics....

Any insight is helpful, thanks!


New member
Sorry you're in the hospital. No real advice from me, just hope that the IVs will start to kick in for you soon.


New member
For me the first 3-5 days are slow-going, but that's because my bugs have so many resistances that before cultures come back they're just throwing what they have and seeing what sticks. After they get proper drugs in order, usually I feel a little better within a few days. However, being on the drugs themselves kinda takes it out of me. I just got out of the hospital myself a week and a few days ago and I'm still on IVs and, while I certainly feel better, I'm nowhere near where I should be. I'll feel a lot better when I get off of them next week.


New member
Several years ago, I'd notice the effects of IV antibiotics within a few days and I'd end up spending two weeks or less hospitalized. Now, my hospital stays are three weeks, and I don't start feeling effects until at least a week and a half in, unfortunately. However, I do think it's smart to give meds at least 5 days, maybe a week, to feel like they're starting to work. You can always ask doctors to evaluate how the med is working, or if there's a med that might work better. I've done this several times because I felt as though the med wasn't working or wasn't being as effective as others.


New member
I usually feel better within 48 hours, but I dont have any nasty critters other than PA.

With regard to the oxygen, I really wouldnt worry. I had a bad infection 12 years ago and had to be on oxygen 24/7 for a while. After that infection was over, I havent used oxygen since, except in the last few months as my FEV has dropped. When this infection gets cleared up, hopefully you will go back to an 02-free life. :) Hang in there, feel better soon!
Everything gets worse when you're in the hospital it seems. Your body is busy fighting off so much and the medicines are pumping in there fighting too, which takes lots of energy. Most likely your O2 needs will reduce when you're feeling better, but that's a great question to talk to your cf docs about. Often my kid feels better after 5 days or so on IV meds. If it's been longer than that, ask your docs what are the signs you should look for to see if you're on the right medicine. If at 5 days or 7 days or 14 days, (whatever they use for measurement) when do you decide whether the medicine needs to be changed? Ask LOTS of questions. :) hope you start feeling better soon!


From my experiences, the time it took before I felt much of an improvement after starting IV antibiotics has varied considerably. (Note: All of the IV antibiotics I’ve received were administered at home using an Elastomeric Pump.)

There were times I saw a vast improvement after two or three days. Other times I didn’t see any real improvement after a week plus, causing my doctor to change antibiotics.

Then there were times that it wasn’t until a few days after the antibiotics were stopped that I really felt much better.


With me it was about 5-6 days but to perfectly honest, I felt the best when I was totally off for at least a week, when I hv to do IV's it'susually2 drugs and also a saline thrown in as well, as most times I've done them at home. It's time consuming and tiring. I started using o2 at night a few years ago, as I hv only one functioning lung the other has been collasped for a few years now. I must say I wake up quite refreshed and ready to do my 2 mile walk weather permitting. Give yourself sometime to bounce back and don't let the o2 scare you. I think we all use it while we are in the hospital. Good Luck Pat/60


New member
Hi Sasha,
I think it depends on the person. I have never required O2; however, I was just on IVs for the first time and my doctor ordered O2 if I needed it. My infection was pretty bad when I went inpatient and my sats were much lower than normal. Once my lungs felt better from the IVs, my sats were back up to normal. As far as how long it took IVs to work, it was a few days until I could tell a difference in my sputum. I started coughing up less and feeling better overall. But the meds made my body feel worse as a whole for the entire 2 weeks I was on them. But at least my lungs were good! So hang in there, sometimes it just takes some time to get your body healed.