I am sorry you feel I am trying to intimidate you. Dialogue, disagreement, nor criticism, by my definition as I have extended, are forms of intimidation.
Distilled, the actions I describe and reference are choices. Choices that I perceive to be sound and orderly, and respectful to those that continue to live. You disagree. You feel one entity's life is of greater value in its conclusion than that of an existing or infantile life. I do not.
In one's closing act, I feel embracing death is not only courageous, but life affirming. Yes, life affirming! For death is apart of life and in embracing death one embraces the full concept and process of life, one accepts the full cycle of life. You feel life is of greater value than death, that to give in to death is selfish and weak. I do not agree.
You feel fighting to live another day some how helps those that continue to live, that only in living another day can one help others. I disagree. I feel when you embrace death, you teach the living that death is not to be feared, but accepted. I feel that the act of death and the process of accepting death can be helpful and healing to those that continue to live. You do not. You feel by fighting to live another day, despite the death knell tolling, you are helping others with their own burdens, would that be their fear and burden of death?
So we disagree. Mazel tov