How many calories do you get per day?


Active member
I was wondering how many calories on average you consume per day?

And were you told by your doctor about how many you should be getting each day?

I ask because I'm one of those weird cfers that hasn't ever really had trouble getting weight on. My metabolism did pick up alot after having my daughter though. I can eat almost whatever I want and maintain my weight. But, I typically take in about 1600 per day and maintain a good 121 lbs at 5'3.
Now that I'm pregnant I'm even more focused on my nutrition and was wondering if you were ever given a target cal intake whether its for pregnancy, or for the average cfer. I'm getting between 1600-1800 cals a day now, and tons of protein.

With my first pregnancy I ate like a pig. Probably 2500-2700 cals a day and still only gained 17 lbs. I went full term and the baby was 8 lbs. RIght now bc of my major nausea, getting 1600 cals a day is the max I can do, without throwing it up.


Active member
I was wondering how many calories on average you consume per day?

And were you told by your doctor about how many you should be getting each day?

I ask because I'm one of those weird cfers that hasn't ever really had trouble getting weight on. My metabolism did pick up alot after having my daughter though. I can eat almost whatever I want and maintain my weight. But, I typically take in about 1600 per day and maintain a good 121 lbs at 5'3.
Now that I'm pregnant I'm even more focused on my nutrition and was wondering if you were ever given a target cal intake whether its for pregnancy, or for the average cfer. I'm getting between 1600-1800 cals a day now, and tons of protein.

With my first pregnancy I ate like a pig. Probably 2500-2700 cals a day and still only gained 17 lbs. I went full term and the baby was 8 lbs. RIght now bc of my major nausea, getting 1600 cals a day is the max I can do, without throwing it up.


Active member
I was wondering how many calories on average you consume per day?
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<br />And were you told by your doctor about how many you should be getting each day?
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<br />I ask because I'm one of those weird cfers that hasn't ever really had trouble getting weight on. My metabolism did pick up alot after having my daughter though. I can eat almost whatever I want and maintain my weight. But, I typically take in about 1600 per day and maintain a good 121 lbs at 5'3.
<br />Now that I'm pregnant I'm even more focused on my nutrition and was wondering if you were ever given a target cal intake whether its for pregnancy, or for the average cfer. I'm getting between 1600-1800 cals a day now, and tons of protein.
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<br />With my first pregnancy I ate like a pig. Probably 2500-2700 cals a day and still only gained 17 lbs. I went full term and the baby was 8 lbs. RIght now bc of my major nausea, getting 1600 cals a day is the max I can do, without throwing it up.


New member
When pregnant I had to eat between 4-5000 calories in order to gain at the rate my doctor and I wanted. I gained 26 lbs in the pregnancy and delivered a 7 lb. 10 oz. boy in my 40th week. Within 3 days I had lost 14 lbs. I was glad I had gained as much as I had so that I had a cushion for illness and for supporting my nutritional efforts in breastfeeding.

I have at times since having had my son had difficulty maintaining my weight which was never a problem before him (also pre-MRSA). For me the key to weight gain is a caloric breakfast and caloric snacking throughout the day but most importantly mid afternoon and right before bed.


New member
When pregnant I had to eat between 4-5000 calories in order to gain at the rate my doctor and I wanted. I gained 26 lbs in the pregnancy and delivered a 7 lb. 10 oz. boy in my 40th week. Within 3 days I had lost 14 lbs. I was glad I had gained as much as I had so that I had a cushion for illness and for supporting my nutritional efforts in breastfeeding.

I have at times since having had my son had difficulty maintaining my weight which was never a problem before him (also pre-MRSA). For me the key to weight gain is a caloric breakfast and caloric snacking throughout the day but most importantly mid afternoon and right before bed.


New member
When pregnant I had to eat between 4-5000 calories in order to gain at the rate my doctor and I wanted. I gained 26 lbs in the pregnancy and delivered a 7 lb. 10 oz. boy in my 40th week. Within 3 days I had lost 14 lbs. I was glad I had gained as much as I had so that I had a cushion for illness and for supporting my nutritional efforts in breastfeeding.
<br />
<br />I have at times since having had my son had difficulty maintaining my weight which was never a problem before him (also pre-MRSA). For me the key to weight gain is a caloric breakfast and caloric snacking throughout the day but most importantly mid afternoon and right before bed.


New member
I eat about 1200 cals a day altho my doc recommnds 3000, but I maintain a healthy weight (122 pounds) on just 1200.Unfortunately when I become ill I lose weight quick so uping my cal intake then becomes a must.


New member
I eat about 1200 cals a day altho my doc recommnds 3000, but I maintain a healthy weight (122 pounds) on just 1200.Unfortunately when I become ill I lose weight quick so uping my cal intake then becomes a must.


New member
I eat about 1200 cals a day altho my doc recommnds 3000, but I maintain a healthy weight (122 pounds) on just 1200.Unfortunately when I become ill I lose weight quick so uping my cal intake then becomes a must.


New member
I've always been lucky to have a very big appetite but I don't know what my body does with all the food! When I'm not very active and well, I get by on 2500-3000... when I'm less well or more active, that goes up to about 4000-5000. I'm 5'1 and now 98 lb which I've got up to from 85lb by doing overnight feeds.


New member
I've always been lucky to have a very big appetite but I don't know what my body does with all the food! When I'm not very active and well, I get by on 2500-3000... when I'm less well or more active, that goes up to about 4000-5000. I'm 5'1 and now 98 lb which I've got up to from 85lb by doing overnight feeds.


New member
I've always been lucky to have a very big appetite but I don't know what my body does with all the food! When I'm not very active and well, I get by on 2500-3000... when I'm less well or more active, that goes up to about 4000-5000. I'm 5'1 and now 98 lb which I've got up to from 85lb by doing overnight feeds.


New member
First off, I wanted to qualify this with the fact that I am PS. I'm also fairly active and workout regularly. And to say, wow, I can't believe those who eat less than 1800 calories a day - I am STARVING if I eat less than 1800 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Before I was pregnant, I ate 2200 and stayed at about 125 lbs (I'm 5'5"). My doctor has never mentioned how many calories I should eat, but I know he would like me to weigh a little more, but I don't for vanity reasons. When I was pregnant I ate like a pig and gained 40 pounds, but I don't know how many calories I ate per day. Now I am nursing but have been trying to lose the pregnancy weight, and I have been doing so by eating about 2000 calories a day.


New member
First off, I wanted to qualify this with the fact that I am PS. I'm also fairly active and workout regularly. And to say, wow, I can't believe those who eat less than 1800 calories a day - I am STARVING if I eat less than 1800 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Before I was pregnant, I ate 2200 and stayed at about 125 lbs (I'm 5'5"). My doctor has never mentioned how many calories I should eat, but I know he would like me to weigh a little more, but I don't for vanity reasons. When I was pregnant I ate like a pig and gained 40 pounds, but I don't know how many calories I ate per day. Now I am nursing but have been trying to lose the pregnancy weight, and I have been doing so by eating about 2000 calories a day.


New member
First off, I wanted to qualify this with the fact that I am PS. I'm also fairly active and workout regularly. And to say, wow, I can't believe those who eat less than 1800 calories a day - I am STARVING if I eat less than 1800 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Before I was pregnant, I ate 2200 and stayed at about 125 lbs (I'm 5'5"). My doctor has never mentioned how many calories I should eat, but I know he would like me to weigh a little more, but I don't for vanity reasons. When I was pregnant I ate like a pig and gained 40 pounds, but I don't know how many calories I ate per day. Now I am nursing but have been trying to lose the pregnancy weight, and I have been doing so by eating about 2000 calories a day.


New member
i eat may be 2000 aday my and i am 5'4 and i am 140 but last time i was in the hospital i was 155 and that is where they want me to stay but ever time i am in there i eat alot more in there i eat like 5000 cal aday but i loss weight i just got out on the 10/27 and i have lost 20 some and i cant eat it makes me sick but i force myself to any way but if you all could help i would really think you just send me a message thanks alot


New member
i eat may be 2000 aday my and i am 5'4 and i am 140 but last time i was in the hospital i was 155 and that is where they want me to stay but ever time i am in there i eat alot more in there i eat like 5000 cal aday but i loss weight i just got out on the 10/27 and i have lost 20 some and i cant eat it makes me sick but i force myself to any way but if you all could help i would really think you just send me a message thanks alot


New member
i eat may be 2000 aday my and i am 5'4 and i am 140 but last time i was in the hospital i was 155 and that is where they want me to stay but ever time i am in there i eat alot more in there i eat like 5000 cal aday but i loss weight i just got out on the 10/27 and i have lost 20 some and i cant eat it makes me sick but i force myself to any way but if you all could help i would really think you just send me a message thanks alot


Active member
For Miss Lauren,
How the heck did you eat 4-5000 cals a day?! I am beyond impressed. I don't know if its the current nausea and food aversion, but I am squeezing in my 16-1700 and still feeling bloated and icky all day.

I'm finding I have to do small frequent meals of about 250-300 cals. (2 small breakfasts spaced apart, etc)

I really appreciated your comments on your weight goals while pregnant, and your thoughts on how that affected your body's reserves after pregnancy. I'm very focused on <i>nutrition</i>-I don't let processed food touch my mouth! But I haven't been so worried about calories or weight gain. I figured, well maybe I only did gain 17 lbs with DD, but I was fine afterwards. Yes, I was 'fine' but when I did exacerbate 1 year later it was 10x worse than the previous ones.
I'm rethinking my approach bc you are right-even if I'm comfortable with my weight per se, my bodys reserves will still be very low after birth, plus Bf.
Thanks alot!
And thanks to everyone!

I can't believe how much some of you take in to maintain your weight. I'm impressed. Maybe I'm being too wimpy here with my food.


Active member
For Miss Lauren,
How the heck did you eat 4-5000 cals a day?! I am beyond impressed. I don't know if its the current nausea and food aversion, but I am squeezing in my 16-1700 and still feeling bloated and icky all day.

I'm finding I have to do small frequent meals of about 250-300 cals. (2 small breakfasts spaced apart, etc)

I really appreciated your comments on your weight goals while pregnant, and your thoughts on how that affected your body's reserves after pregnancy. I'm very focused on <i>nutrition</i>-I don't let processed food touch my mouth! But I haven't been so worried about calories or weight gain. I figured, well maybe I only did gain 17 lbs with DD, but I was fine afterwards. Yes, I was 'fine' but when I did exacerbate 1 year later it was 10x worse than the previous ones.
I'm rethinking my approach bc you are right-even if I'm comfortable with my weight per se, my bodys reserves will still be very low after birth, plus Bf.
Thanks alot!
And thanks to everyone!

I can't believe how much some of you take in to maintain your weight. I'm impressed. Maybe I'm being too wimpy here with my food.