How many calories do you get per day?


Active member
For Miss Lauren,
<br />How the heck did you eat 4-5000 cals a day?! I am beyond impressed. I don't know if its the current nausea and food aversion, but I am squeezing in my 16-1700 and still feeling bloated and icky all day.
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<br />I'm finding I have to do small frequent meals of about 250-300 cals. (2 small breakfasts spaced apart, etc)
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<br />I really appreciated your comments on your weight goals while pregnant, and your thoughts on how that affected your body's reserves after pregnancy. I'm very focused on <i>nutrition</i>-I don't let processed food touch my mouth! But I haven't been so worried about calories or weight gain. I figured, well maybe I only did gain 17 lbs with DD, but I was fine afterwards. Yes, I was 'fine' but when I did exacerbate 1 year later it was 10x worse than the previous ones.
<br />I'm rethinking my approach bc you are right-even if I'm comfortable with my weight per se, my bodys reserves will still be very low after birth, plus Bf.
<br />Thanks alot!
<br />And thanks to everyone!
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<br />I can't believe how much some of you take in to maintain your weight. I'm impressed. Maybe I'm being too wimpy here with my food.