How many elementary kids take their own enzymes to school?


New member
Our 7 year old goes to the nurses office to get/take his enzymes for lunch and snack if the snack is somethinghe wants. Our 13 year old still goes to the nurses office which is right across the hallway from the cafeteria. I know he is responsible for his age but I also see how he doesnt like taking them in front of his buddies when we go out. If he goes to the nurse for them than I know they are being taken.


Active member
Keith posted this information earlier but I thought that I would repeat it. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a law that explisitly allows students with Cystic Fibrosis to carry and self administer enzymes.

Every state should enact a law of this type. Google it, copy it and contact your State Representative.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Chapter 71 Section 543.