Well, I spoke with the CF doc today and Briceton's bronch showed heavy growth of pseudo. Although we are not new to hospital stays, this is Briceton's first fight with pseudo and will be my first hospital stay with him alone, without my hubby! When I got the results of his bronch, I felt like somebody stabbed me in my chest. I knew this was pretty much inevitable, culturing pseudo, but was hoping it wouldn't happen so soon.
The good news, they are going to work on trying to get his bowel movements straighten out, or at least figure out the problem while he is in the hospital. We go in on Monday unless he gets sick over the weekend.
All good vibes are welcomed! Also, any ideas on keeping a 14 month old, that just learned to walk, and also in isolation, busy? His past hospital visits he wasn't mobile and he was pretty easy to entertain. I'm seriously dreading this one!