How many of you have never met another person with CF?


New member
i've met one girl because we used to go to the same church but her parents never like me to see her cuz i have more stuff than she did. I also sorta met one girl before i got my g-tube to see what it looked like. i think it is stupid that doctors try to prevent us from meeting one another because they way i c it we are all going to get stuff and die one day and its really sad and lonely and scary not having people who totlay get what ur going through to talk to and hang out with. so if anyone wants to talk e-mail or im me my im is crazbanana123xyz and it is a aim and my e-mail is (haha i guess i have a thing for banana cuz all my things have it in it)


New member
i've met one girl because we used to go to the same church but her parents never like me to see her cuz i have more stuff than she did. I also sorta met one girl before i got my g-tube to see what it looked like. i think it is stupid that doctors try to prevent us from meeting one another because they way i c it we are all going to get stuff and die one day and its really sad and lonely and scary not having people who totlay get what ur going through to talk to and hang out with. so if anyone wants to talk e-mail or im me my im is crazbanana123xyz and it is a aim and my e-mail is (haha i guess i have a thing for banana cuz all my things have it in it)


New member
i've met one girl because we used to go to the same church but her parents never like me to see her cuz i have more stuff than she did. I also sorta met one girl before i got my g-tube to see what it looked like. i think it is stupid that doctors try to prevent us from meeting one another because they way i c it we are all going to get stuff and die one day and its really sad and lonely and scary not having people who totlay get what ur going through to talk to and hang out with. so if anyone wants to talk e-mail or im me my im is crazbanana123xyz and it is a aim and my e-mail is (haha i guess i have a thing for banana cuz all my things have it in it)


New member
i've met one girl because we used to go to the same church but her parents never like me to see her cuz i have more stuff than she did. I also sorta met one girl before i got my g-tube to see what it looked like. i think it is stupid that doctors try to prevent us from meeting one another because they way i c it we are all going to get stuff and die one day and its really sad and lonely and scary not having people who totlay get what ur going through to talk to and hang out with. so if anyone wants to talk e-mail or im me my im is crazbanana123xyz and it is a aim and my e-mail is (haha i guess i have a thing for banana cuz all my things have it in it)


New member
i was in hospital recently, and i made friends with another CF paitent. We are really good mates now, and i've slept at her house n stuff. The only people that i'm not allowed to 'mix' with are those that have a different bug than me. Personally i think its people's own choice if they want to mix.. and i've never had any problems because of it.


New member
i was in hospital recently, and i made friends with another CF paitent. We are really good mates now, and i've slept at her house n stuff. The only people that i'm not allowed to 'mix' with are those that have a different bug than me. Personally i think its people's own choice if they want to mix.. and i've never had any problems because of it.


New member
i was in hospital recently, and i made friends with another CF paitent. We are really good mates now, and i've slept at her house n stuff. The only people that i'm not allowed to 'mix' with are those that have a different bug than me. Personally i think its people's own choice if they want to mix.. and i've never had any problems because of it.


New member
i was in hospital recently, and i made friends with another CF paitent. We are really good mates now, and i've slept at her house n stuff. The only people that i'm not allowed to 'mix' with are those that have a different bug than me. Personally i think its people's own choice if they want to mix.. and i've never had any problems because of it.


New member
i was in hospital recently, and i made friends with another CF paitent. We are really good mates now, and i've slept at her house n stuff. The only people that i'm not allowed to 'mix' with are those that have a different bug than me. Personally i think its people's own choice if they want to mix.. and i've never had any problems because of it.


New member
Yes, he is twelve. His name is Jarrett and he is my little brother. As long as you do not share items, I believe you can have a normal time with fellow CFers.

Ryan, nearly 18


New member
Yes, he is twelve. His name is Jarrett and he is my little brother. As long as you do not share items, I believe you can have a normal time with fellow CFers.

Ryan, nearly 18


New member
Yes, he is twelve. His name is Jarrett and he is my little brother. As long as you do not share items, I believe you can have a normal time with fellow CFers.

Ryan, nearly 18


New member
Yes, he is twelve. His name is Jarrett and he is my little brother. As long as you do not share items, I believe you can have a normal time with fellow CFers.

Ryan, nearly 18


New member
Yes, he is twelve. His name is Jarrett and he is my little brother. As long as you do not share items, I believe you can have a normal time with fellow CFers.
<br />
<br />Ryan, nearly 18


New member
thats kinda weird i thought that a lot of people w/ cf knew eachother. i know 2 people and theres a kid in my neighborhood that has cf
i met a guy w/ cf at a fundraiser when i was like 4 and my parents kept me in touch with him even after they told us about being around other cf'rs. but he moved away when i was like 7 but we kept emailing and when he came back to michigan to visit friends he would alway come to see me.

i also met a girl at a cross country race that was my age last year and we ended up going to the same doctor. it was really weird because i went in to have surgery a few weeks ago and she was in the same waiting area.


New member
thats kinda weird i thought that a lot of people w/ cf knew eachother. i know 2 people and theres a kid in my neighborhood that has cf
i met a guy w/ cf at a fundraiser when i was like 4 and my parents kept me in touch with him even after they told us about being around other cf'rs. but he moved away when i was like 7 but we kept emailing and when he came back to michigan to visit friends he would alway come to see me.

i also met a girl at a cross country race that was my age last year and we ended up going to the same doctor. it was really weird because i went in to have surgery a few weeks ago and she was in the same waiting area.


New member
thats kinda weird i thought that a lot of people w/ cf knew eachother. i know 2 people and theres a kid in my neighborhood that has cf
i met a guy w/ cf at a fundraiser when i was like 4 and my parents kept me in touch with him even after they told us about being around other cf'rs. but he moved away when i was like 7 but we kept emailing and when he came back to michigan to visit friends he would alway come to see me.

i also met a girl at a cross country race that was my age last year and we ended up going to the same doctor. it was really weird because i went in to have surgery a few weeks ago and she was in the same waiting area.


New member
thats kinda weird i thought that a lot of people w/ cf knew eachother. i know 2 people and theres a kid in my neighborhood that has cf
i met a guy w/ cf at a fundraiser when i was like 4 and my parents kept me in touch with him even after they told us about being around other cf'rs. but he moved away when i was like 7 but we kept emailing and when he came back to michigan to visit friends he would alway come to see me.

i also met a girl at a cross country race that was my age last year and we ended up going to the same doctor. it was really weird because i went in to have surgery a few weeks ago and she was in the same waiting area.


New member
thats kinda weird i thought that a lot of people w/ cf knew eachother. i know 2 people and theres a kid in my neighborhood that has cf
<br />i met a guy w/ cf at a fundraiser when i was like 4 and my parents kept me in touch with him even after they told us about being around other cf'rs. but he moved away when i was like 7 but we kept emailing and when he came back to michigan to visit friends he would alway come to see me.
<br />
<br />i also met a girl at a cross country race that was my age last year and we ended up going to the same doctor. it was really weird because i went in to have surgery a few weeks ago and she was in the same waiting area.


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))