I was baptized Methodist, but have never been active in the religion. I follow the "basics" that I was exposed to like Christmas being Jesus Birthday, Mary/Joseph are his parents etc. I cant put my whole being into this as I dont know how much is mans version and how much is true. I have attended churches of different denominations & often like it (more for the fun/socializationt rather than the true meaning behind it), but it is not something at this point that I would find beneficial. As I explain to my husband (who use to be quite a regular church goer) is this.....I try to be the best person I can be. I have good days & bad days as I am only human. I try to make up for the bad days on the good days. I dont have the need to be forgiven by going to confession or any other gesture that religions offer. If I die & dont go to heaven because there isnt one... than so be it. If there is one & its terrific, great. If I go to hell, if there is one, then so be it. If I become reserected (sp) as a beautiful swan so be it. If I come back as a firehydrant that dogs pee on so be it. If I lay in the coffin becoming part of the earth & nothing else happens so be it. This is an issue that I have fought with internally since having my daughter. My cousin who is a Minister said that I NEED to get by daughter baptized. At first I was upset because I thought I was not doing the right thing for my daughter. Now I realize that if my heart is not into it then it would be hypicritical (sp) to do so. I guess I just dont worry about what happens after death because whatever it is it is. I just try to do my best as a person while alive & if that isnt good enough than tough! I dont disrespect those that follow their faith closely just like I wouldnt want them to disrespect my lack of it. I find that my inner strength is what gets me thru the tough times in life whether it be my CF, finances or something else........others need the faith....whatever works for you is what counts!