How many pills can you take at one time?



I have no clue... all I really know right now is that my boyfriend has to take 60 pills a day... I don't know how many at one time though...


I have no clue... all I really know right now is that my boyfriend has to take 60 pills a day... I don't know how many at one time though...


I have no clue... all I really know right now is that my boyfriend has to take 60 pills a day... I don't know how many at one time though...


New member
yeah im at about 55 or so

its not really that huge a thing, just making sure you take them at the right time and some with food. i usually just have 2 major times and it end up being only about 30 seconds of my day, lol


New member
yeah im at about 55 or so

its not really that huge a thing, just making sure you take them at the right time and some with food. i usually just have 2 major times and it end up being only about 30 seconds of my day, lol


New member
yeah im at about 55 or so

its not really that huge a thing, just making sure you take them at the right time and some with food. i usually just have 2 major times and it end up being only about 30 seconds of my day, lol


My gag reflex I cant swallow more than three at one time. I used to be able to swallow like a whole bunch, but then I went on Bactrim (and I had to cut one of the pills in half) and I had the hardest time swallowing that half, lilke almost choking a few times because of the jagged egdes from being cut. In essence, I think that damaged my ability to swallow pills...


My gag reflex I cant swallow more than three at one time. I used to be able to swallow like a whole bunch, but then I went on Bactrim (and I had to cut one of the pills in half) and I had the hardest time swallowing that half, lilke almost choking a few times because of the jagged egdes from being cut. In essence, I think that damaged my ability to swallow pills...


My gag reflex I cant swallow more than three at one time. I used to be able to swallow like a whole bunch, but then I went on Bactrim (and I had to cut one of the pills in half) and I had the hardest time swallowing that half, lilke almost choking a few times because of the jagged egdes from being cut. In essence, I think that damaged my ability to swallow pills...


New member
The most I've swallowed at one time was 21, and it was a mix of my Enzymes and a couple of different shaped vitamins. I was pretty imressed with myself. I don't know if I would try it again though. I've found that the really small pills are the hardest to take, is that weird?


New member
The most I've swallowed at one time was 21, and it was a mix of my Enzymes and a couple of different shaped vitamins. I was pretty imressed with myself. I don't know if I would try it again though. I've found that the really small pills are the hardest to take, is that weird?


New member
The most I've swallowed at one time was 21, and it was a mix of my Enzymes and a couple of different shaped vitamins. I was pretty imressed with myself. I don't know if I would try it again though. I've found that the really small pills are the hardest to take, is that weird?


New member
On a side note: I HATE that feeling when you like, swallow your enzymes wrong, and it feels almost like one got stuck, and it just hurts for ages and ages. Blegh.


New member
On a side note: I HATE that feeling when you like, swallow your enzymes wrong, and it feels almost like one got stuck, and it just hurts for ages and ages. Blegh.