how many times have you had pneumonia or the flu?


New member name is Samantha...Im 14 and have had pneumonia 48 times and the flu about 30...I get sick alot but the doctors where im form didnt think to check for Cf until last September when i stopped breathing several times. well kinda lonely in a world without Cfers to talk to so...*write back soon*


New member
hey samantha. my names Kristi (16 with CF)and i havent counted how many times ive gotten the flu or pheumonia, but when i was starting gr.8, i would no stop getting sick. I still keep getting sick all the time(like non stop) but its just been this past month and a half that my immunity has gone up and ive been washing my hands ALL OF THE TIME (a systeen i recommend to u!).
I dont know how it feels to get diagnosed later on in life( i was diagnosed at 3weeks old), but im here for ya if you want to talk! GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING!


New member
I only had the actual flu one time which led to a serious case of pneumonia. This was in January 2000. I became deathly ill & it began a new path in life since I had to quit work etc. Never having had the flu before it took awhile before I realized how sick I was. I was running fevers & didnt know it etc. Went to work every day, but definitely shouldnt have now that I look back at it.


New member
I get it at least 2 times a yr pnemonia that is. I'm 18 almost 19 and I've had the flu god knows how meny times. I have 10 bacteria though so. I was diagnosed at 3 months because of pnemonia.