How much do u weigh? :-)


New member
Heyy. My name is Autumn. I am 12 years old and I have had CF since I was a new-born! We should talk sometime about CF and other stuff! hehe! lol.
Do you have an AIM?!
Please Reply!


New member
Heyy. My name is Autumn. I am 12 years old and I have had CF since I was a new-born! We should talk sometime about CF and other stuff! hehe! lol.
Do you have an AIM?!
Please Reply!


New member
Heyy. My name is Autumn. I am 12 years old and I have had CF since I was a new-born! We should talk sometime about CF and other stuff! hehe! lol.
Do you have an AIM?!
Please Reply!


New member
Heyy. My name is Autumn. I am 12 years old and I have had CF since I was a new-born! We should talk sometime about CF and other stuff! hehe! lol.
Do you have an AIM?!
Please Reply!


New member
Heyy. My name is Autumn. I am 12 years old and I have had CF since I was a new-born! We should talk sometime about CF and other stuff! hehe! lol.
<br />Do you have an AIM?!
<br />Please Reply!
<br />Thanks,
<br />Autumn??=D


New member
Heyy. I used to be WAY 2 SKINNY! and when i was like 10, they wanted me to be about 80lbs and I thought that that would be like inpossible! But now im 12, and I weigh 103 lbs! WOAH! rock on! haha


New member
Heyy. I used to be WAY 2 SKINNY! and when i was like 10, they wanted me to be about 80lbs and I thought that that would be like inpossible! But now im 12, and I weigh 103 lbs! WOAH! rock on! haha


New member
Heyy. I used to be WAY 2 SKINNY! and when i was like 10, they wanted me to be about 80lbs and I thought that that would be like inpossible! But now im 12, and I weigh 103 lbs! WOAH! rock on! haha


New member
Heyy. I used to be WAY 2 SKINNY! and when i was like 10, they wanted me to be about 80lbs and I thought that that would be like inpossible! But now im 12, and I weigh 103 lbs! WOAH! rock on! haha


New member
Heyy. I used to be WAY 2 SKINNY! and when i was like 10, they wanted me to be about 80lbs and I thought that that would be like inpossible! But now im 12, and I weigh 103 lbs! WOAH! rock on! haha


New member
hi im annie i was diagnosed at 2 yrs old im 11 and i weigh 68 pounds and i forget my height but i think im like 4 somethingg


New member
hi im annie i was diagnosed at 2 yrs old im 11 and i weigh 68 pounds and i forget my height but i think im like 4 somethingg


New member
hi im annie i was diagnosed at 2 yrs old im 11 and i weigh 68 pounds and i forget my height but i think im like 4 somethingg


New member
hi im annie i was diagnosed at 2 yrs old im 11 and i weigh 68 pounds and i forget my height but i think im like 4 somethingg


New member
hi im annie i was diagnosed at 2 yrs old im 11 and i weigh 68 pounds and i forget my height but i think im like 4 somethingg