how much do you weigh and how tall are you


New member
Hi Im Jen and im 17 I am 5'1'' and weigh close to 140 but to be specific im 137.

hey this is a cool icon!! ive never seen it before!!<img src="i/expressions/iv.gif" border="0">


New member
My name is Amber. I am 13 years old. I was diaginoised with CF at 6 weeks. I was very healthy, except for my weight and height, up until first grade. After that I fell faster then a rock. I was in the hospital every 2-4 months. At about 10 I got a port placed, because my veins were so bad from so many pick lines. By age 11 I got a feeding tube placed, because I was lossing weight so rapidly. At 11 in 6th grade I weighed between 55 and 60 lbs and I was about 4'6". Now with a feeding tube I am between 96 and 104 lbs. and about 5'1"

I was also placed in foster care with a nurse because the pressure was too much for my mom. I have live in my foster home since October 8, 2004. I still see my parents every weekend (I spend the night there friday through sunday). Before I went to live with my foster parents my life expectancy was less then a year.

Amber F/13 W/Cystic Fibrosis


New member
Hi I am Amber I have feeding tube I have had it about 2 or 3 years. My mom and doctor decided without any input from me i was getting one now i think it is good because i has kept me alive. Before i got it my life expectancy was less than a year at first i hated them for it but now i look back and think thank you you saved my life

Amber 13 f w cf


New member
I'm seventeen (actually almost eighteen... like a week and a half!) and 5"2' and about 120 lbs. Everyone at university here calls me tiny, I don't understand why....


New member
Hi whats up peoples im about 4"9 and i wiegh about 82 pounds......
Oh yeah! Im 12 years old by the way. Kay see yu!



New member
Hi whats up peoples im about 4"9 and i wiegh about 82 pounds......
Oh yeah! Im 12 years old by the way. Kay see yu!



New member
Hi whats up peoples im about 4"9 and i wiegh about 82 pounds......
Oh yeah! Im 12 years old by the way. Kay see yu!



New member
Hi whats up peoples im about 4"9 and i wiegh about 82 pounds......
Oh yeah! Im 12 years old by the way. Kay see yu!



New member
hey I have a feeding tube and in march i was weighing about 35 pounds and now i am up to 55 pounds the feeding has helped me alot
i am glad i got it