how much exercise is to much


New member
I try my best and it takes all of my time to do treatments and exercise but Im tring to breathe better iwork out 5 days a week with wts. And jump rope and run on treadmill each day but starting 2days ago having streaks of blood and pain in upper chest on both sides is it cause of workin out or do I have infection do I go into hospital im upset cause I try so hard amd all I do Is to try to stay healthy or atleast breathe better and im worried its something bad I was doin ok now this sorry my emotions r goin wild im sad mad scared worried and scared I just want everyome to have there health it should b the one thing everyone deserves sorry I hope everyone has great christmas I hope everyone is well to enjoy their families and I hope we all get a cure for Christmas


Super Moderator
I'm so sorry to hear you're having troubles this Christmas Eve and are frightened and worried. I sit here by my own child's bedside, listening to his little lungs breathe and wait for the coughs which have increased over the past two days. I've thought much the same - he deserves good health and my fondest and most fervent wish for him is good health. I've no doubt that exercise has served you well, though it doesn't cure. I applaud your dedication to the rigors of routine workouts and commitment to keeping your lungs as healthy as possible. Blood in your sputum isn't a death sentence Cam. It is cause to call your Center and I hope by now you've done that. If not, do give them a call. And let us know how you are. Know you're not alone. Prayers. Hugs. And Blessing this Christmas Day.


New member
Thank you for responding I did call them haf xray and they called in cypro and steroids til I can go c them they still haven't called me back to tell me what xray said ill call tomorrow but I still not doin very good but blood has slowed down and I probably will have to go into hospital infew days which makes me feel worried and upsets me makes me think all kinds of things I hope it just stops and goes away thank you again for responding have a wonderful Christmas

Robert Fahie

I feel your pain. It is scary when you see blood in your spit. I'm 45 years old and have stopped running due to coughing up blood. I try to get my heart rate up more bye walking and then sprinting then walking this is more low impact and staying hydrated helps also. Stay positive and active .


New member
Cam, I'm struggling with that right now too. Two years ago I was training for a sprint triathalon, now walking up a flight of stairs gets me SOB. The more I tried to work out, the worse my reactive asthma became. I havent been able to work out in months because of it. I did some research (and I'd love others opinions of this) but it seems like the harder I push myself, the worse I got. Did some tests on myself while exercising and found out my oxygen levels were dropping into the mid-80's when I exercised. Looked at the effects of hypoxia on immune system and found out that it puts it in overdrive, which has been my problem with the asthma (neutrohils and other cell counts have been inexplicably way too high to the point where they are causing constant inflammation in my lungs). I'm on methyltrexate (a chemo drug) to get my immune system to back off, and so far, it seems to be helping, have been able to cut my prednisone by 75%. I started working out very gently today, but this time, with supplemental oxygen to keep my stats above 90. I have hoping *fingers crossed* that if I can keep myself out of a hypoxic state while I work out, that my body will tolerate it and not respond with more inflammation. I'll let you know! Anyone here done this?


New member
Im having a bad time hard to breath tring to walk everyday little bit I go to doctors tommorow hope pfts r ok I bet they suck though before I got bad I was working out alot tring my best to do everything I could to breathe better I thought I was doin the right thing now I cant breath good at all and lost so much weight I dont know what to do if I work out I feel bad and lose weight but I thought it was supposed to help so what should I doim confused and scared bout my breathing and my weight and I have a old vest one of the big ole ones if anyone needs one let me know its a large I hate when people cant get machines or things they need


Super Moderator
Hi Cam. I'm sorry to hear you're still having problems. I'm glad you're headed in tomorrow but if you're afraid right now and things are worse you might consider going to the ER. If you were my son or brother, that's where I would head. The docs are there to help you. You're not bothering or interrupting them, no matter what time of day or night. Do you have some relatives nearby to go with you?
Cam: I am so sorry you are scared. I am glad you are going to the doctor though. My son was exercising on his stationary bike about a year ago and was doing it faithfully when he coughed up blood. It scared him too, a lot. He hasn't got back on the bike since and I know he should. I called the doctor then and they really were not worried about it. They asked the amount and said that happens and not to worry. It did scare my son too. CF is full of scares. I wonder if you need more enzymes to help with your weight? Are you taking in enough calories? We really haven't experienced a drop in weight so I really don't know advice to give you other than that. I have noticed your posts before and I totally feel for you. My son had one of those old big machines too and he hated it. We did get a smaller one about 3 years ago but had to pay on that new Vest for awhile as Hill-Rom accepted our payments over a period of time. Insurance would not cover for us to upgrade, they denied coverage. My son does like his smaller one better but he still hates the vest and hates doing all the stuff he has to do and I understand why. It is a lot. I hope your lung function results are good and they did not go down. Please keep us posted.


New member
Thank u all for replying to me and all the help amd encouragment im driving to docs now hope everything goes well thank u agian