How much is your life worth?



<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr>If the Gov. wont pay for it and the people cant afford it the cost would have to go down.<hr></blockquote>

Or heck, if people can't afford it - they'll die and we won't have to worry about it anymore. That's just lovely isn't it? You know... there's this funny "humanity" thing most of us have were we WANT to help other people.<hr></blockquote>

I wish there were more people who think like you in this country! I work full time and have complete health coverage through a national insurance firm - yet I pay on average $500 per month just for Coll's prescriptions!!!


New member
Have you looked into if your insurance has a mail order pharmacy? By switching over... The cost for Pancrease alone went from $100/month (stupid non-formulary bs) to $80 for 90 days. It's saving a ton of money on the meds Jeremy uses long term.