How much is your life worth?


New member
What is it that many Americans say...? "You can't put a price on life."

So, could someone tell me how it is moral to put a price on prescription meds, hospital stays, ect.? Why is this acceptable to pay to get well. Shouldn't that be a basic human right? Is it not immoral to turn someone away at a hospital because they can't pay? How productive can one person be if they are too sick to work? Why would the United States allow for people to be ill, when it is more profitable to have a healthy working population?

Here's an idea for a constitutional ammendment: XXVIII: The right of all citizens of the United States, to have equal access to free healthcare, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State.


New member
1 - I don't really think this is the place for that kind of a political discussion

2 - We live in a capitalist society and that's not the way it works

3 - We do have Medicaid/Medicare to help the indigent with health care


New member
This may not be the right place to discuss such a controversial topic, you might just be right there. But I just had to comment... Medicaid/Medicare??? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Right.


New member
I have to second emily on this one, I also posted my response on the adults page. Medicaid is different in every state and if you are lucky and live in a state that provides good and vaid benefits-you are a lucky person. A majority of us live in states where the coverage is being terminated, we make too much $$ (even though it is barely above poverty level, nevermind the extra $500 my family spends on food a month BECAUSE of CF) to have the CFer qualify for coverage.... Medicaid and medicare are a joke in some states in my book-and based on personal experience.



New member
I am glad I dont live in Emily or Julie state LOL I have Missouri Medcaid and I have had nothing but good luck with it no problems to speak of


New member
When we lived in Washington it was wonderful, they covered mark regardless of my income or the fact that he did have a primary insurance (mine through the military) because he had CF and there were some things that the military insurance didn't cover. I got transfered to California last May and Mark's coverage was denied because I make "too much" money every month. We had a $2500 spend down before they would cover anything. We do have the monthy coverage in case we ever get stuck with a $2500 bill but right now it's just 300-500 a month out of pocket for meds. I think that is just rediculioua. They don't give any sort of deductions for housing, the extra food we pay for... and our rent (stupid on our part but we are stuck i the lease now) is more than 75% of our income (we needed a yard in SD for our dogs-quite expensive here as compared to WA). We also thought we would be recieving more food stamps (as much as we did in WA) and would qualify for Section 8 housing (HUD) as we did in WA. Come to find out, even though it is a federally run program, very state has the right to make their own modifications and adopt their own selection criteria-California's is one of the most rigid.

Needless to say, we are hoping that I can transfer back up to WA next year.



New member
I am glad I am Canadian?

Canadian CF foundation pays for most of my meds, and my drug plan at work covers the rest.

And because of O.H.IP. (ontario hospital insurance) any hospital visits are free.

We do pay a lot taxes for this but I would rather pay the taxes then have to pay a few hundred dollars a month for coverage.

Dave 30 w/cf


New member
To CFHockeyMom,

So what do you think this site should be used for?

1. Politics is what keeps the Orphan Drug Bill alive in congress so that drug companies are "forced," through various incentives and subsidies, to continue making CF drugs that bring no profits to companies like Pfizer (Zithromax - though has been used to treat syphillis), Genentech (Pulmozyme) and McNeil Pharmaceuticals (Pancrease).

2. Capitalism is why the Orphan Drug Bill exists. If Corporate America had its way, those with CF would be written off as a "too costly" expense and allowed to die

3. Medicaid and Medicare were never created to help the poor. These programs were originally meant to be used as a supplement for retirees who did not want to spend every retirement cent on medication (after all, as we get older, medicine becomes a more visible part of life).


New member
I take it your the original "Anonymous" poster?

I stand by my original comment that I don't think this is the place for that type of discussion. It's politically motivated and little can be gained from a left/right wing crossfire session.

If you have a specific question regarding drug funding, medicare/medicaid, etc. then this is definitely the place.


New member
I agree with Emily and Julie. Medicaid is not something to look forward too. In order to be on it in Mich. You cant have a life insurance policy or a 401k plan. You can but together you can only have $2000. Period. So I have to pay COBRA because I refuse to get rid of them until I have too. Why should I have to burden my family with not having a life insurance so I can have adequate coverage. Not fair. Becky in Mich.


New member
My life is barely worth living in an economic analysis. I can't only contribute to society through a part-time job. I tax my insurance company with my medical expenses (which are increasing).

Taking into account everything, how much is my life worth (dollar value)? Well i will put it this way, in terms that are quite clear an blunt, if someone were to offer me $300,000 to extend to my beneficiaries upon my death, i would hasten the process along. So my life is worth to me $300K, though i am sure thoughs around me beleive me to be worth more, and so i live on...


New member
Life is worth more than dollars and cents whether you have CF or not. By dollars and cents my life is only worth $1M (life ins). Not much really when you consider I have two children (1 with CF), a husband, parents, siblings, friends, etc. I'd hope they'd argue that I'm worth more than the $1M worth of life insurance. And quite frankly, it doesn't matter if they think so or not. I know I'm worth more. I'm worth more because of the differences I make in this world.

Life isn't about money, it's about experiences. Sure, CF has many negative experience associated with it but beyond the CF there is life - the things you do, the lives you impact, and relationships you nurture.

"Anonymous", you sound very depressed. I hope you find some joy.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFHockeyMom</b></i><br>1 - I don't really think this is the place for that kind of a political discussion

2 - We live in a capitalist society and that's not the way it works

3 - We do have Medicaid/Medicare to help the indigent with health care<hr></blockquote>

blah, if you don't like the discussion then don't reply to it



New member
Just bc I live in Amercia doesn't mean that I agree with the costs of medical care/treatments. I live here bc I was born here, bc all of my family (who I love) lives here and honestly bc for the most part I really like it here. Any one of us Americans could chose to go somewhere else that has lower costs but in most cases the trade isn't worth it. You can put America down all you want but it doesn't seem to stop millions of people from flocking here each year - the land of opportunity is just that. I am not saying this place is perfect - NO WAY but I don't think there is a perfect place anywhere on this earth.

CF Hockeymom-I LOVE the sentiments in your last post! So true!!!!

I love it how someone posts a topic like this (obvisouly debatable) and then people don't like it when people share opinions they don't agree with!! It just makes me chuckle....this board has a different meaning/use for many people so I suppose we all have to keep that in mind.


New member
America is not solely "the land of opportunity" anymore. We use to be, but we don't have any more to offer anymore than do other countries, save for a few who have some major problems. I love my country, I even fight for it, but there is a lot of stuff that goes on that I absolutely don't agree with. Unfortunately, one voice is NOT enough to change that. I fear that the united states is headed for the worst times we have seen in centuries. If anybody has noticed, there are more and more military integrating with civilian society, there is recent news that former president Clinton is trying to become a member of the UN-I can only imagine what disasters that might cause, and our rights are being trampled on more and more. I think the medical care in some of the states is this country is just one problem. I do believe that this is a place to discuss things such as this, we can all learn from eachothers opinions and input.

If you don't agree with something that is said, you have the right to voice that opinion and I think you should. Just realize that others also have that right as well and many utilize it. Don't get upset just because someone doesn't agree with you, this is how the world goes round.

Julie (wife to Mark 24w/CF)


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I don't know if I could voice an opinion as to whether this is the "proper" forum for your thoughts, but I am grateful that you are out there thinking these thoughts, sharing these thoughts and hopefully acting on these thoughts. It's people like you who are willing to go out and voice what may not be a popular opinion who eventually make differences that can positively affect many of our lives. I am a total peace loving kind of person, don't want to make waves, and I feel very fortunate that we have such a place to share, support, etc.
Gwen (buggygurls mom)


New member
If hospital stays and medicine are free, how do pharmacists and doctors make money? Government hired employees doing your surgery or changing your IVs? It sucks that we have to pay, but that's how you get the most talented and dedicated people to make and discover your medicine and perform your procedures. It's tough, but real simple to understand.


New member
The increased taxes supplement the salaries of doctors and nurses. The united states does need to do something different regarding medical, not everyone benefits from medicaid because states are allowed to set their own qualifications. In WA we benefited and I can honestly say I took it for granted, ans was completely unaware that other states made up different rules for medicaid. It wasn't until we moved to CA that I realized what I took for granted in WA and how retarted the "welfare" system is. Even now that my husband recieves SSDI, we don't qualify for medicaid. WE do qualify for medicare, but that's $80 a month, and we don't have money to pay for that. What I wouldn't give fr better medical coverage for those with disabilities and those with genetic/chronic diseases (whether they are on disability or not!!!)

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)