How much sleep?


New member
I have a question for all you adults with cf out there. I am not complaining, just a question. I work full time - drive one hour each way to work, maintain my husbands business at night (paperwork, etc) clean my house, laundry, etc..... it leaves little or no time for sleep. As any of you with CF know we seem to need extra sleep. How much sleep do you get a night. I know that there are millions of women and men out there doing the same thing. Like I said - I am not complaining. I love my husband, my house, my dogs...... I just wondereded if I am the only one that sometimes feels completely overwhelmed. Sometimes I just feel like if I could get 8 hours of sleep at one time I would feel some much better. Any thoughts from you adult cf'ers?


New member
Screw that boo-hoo guy/girl. I just wanted to reply, though I don't have much to say. I only go to school during the school year, and in the summer, I plan on getting some kind of a job, but I don't do too much at once, so I get a dececnt amount of sleep. However, there have been times where I was unable to get the proper amount of sleep and started falling asleep during class, or whatever. I'm sure there's someone else out there who may be of more help than myself. Heh.


New member
The life you lead is the cumulative result of the decisions you have made. If you're shorting yourself of one of life's most basic necessities- sleep- because of your other responsibilities, and it's making you ill to boot? I'd say you have to reprioritize your time. Do you realize that one hour commute each way adds up to 520 hours per year, or 13- 40 hour work weeks?? That's a whole quarter year extra that you're not getting paid for! Even if you were able to have a 30 minute commute, you'd get one extra hour every work day.... Yes lots of people do exactly what you're doing, the lucky ones figure this out before they've worked/commuted their lives away. There will come a time when you can't do any of this anymore and have all the time in the world, but you won't have the health to enjoy it... don't ask me how I know<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> Take care--WiShBoNe


New member
Emily, The "BOOO HOOO" sounds like it was from that Angie person. Insensitive, angry and lonley.But to answer the real question, I get about seven hours of sleep if I'm not coughing. If I'm congested, that drops down to five. What's important is RESTFUL sleep, which you can't get if you have a coughing fit every 15 minutes. Try to set aside nap time. It's hard to find, especially when you're trying to work and live, and you have all these meds and therapies to do, but it is important because it will help you feel better. Weekends are when you can get things done, and one of these things should be sleep! It does not do any good to help everyone out and take on so much if it means landing in the hospital for a week or two. I understand that you're not complaining, and most of us know it's just the way it goes. See if your husband can promise you an hour every other day where you have nothing to do but sleep. Maybe he can take the dogs out for a while, or clean the bathroom while you snooze, something like that. I'm sure he'll understand how much healthier you'll be if you get the rest you need. If you have a hard time falling asleep during the day, invest in a sleeping mask. I swear by mine. Even if I don't fall asleep, the mask applies just enough pressure on your eye lids to relax them. I feel rested if I just lay down for 20 minutes when I wear it.Debbie23 w/ CF


New member
My optimal sleep time is 7-8 hours but i could sleep longer sometimes. I do usually take a nap sometime during the day. If I don't get enough sleep i notice myself getting run down faster and coughing more.Try to find time to get your sleep, you need to take care of yourself!!! (or you won't be able to take care of the hubby, dogs, house etc!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">Caren


New member
i sleep for about 10 hours. but im a poor sleeper. i always overheat and sometimes i wake up from coughing or go to the loo. or the kitten we have starts jumping all over the bed lol! is there anyway you can put off the cleaning and paperwork? liek one night on and one night off?Kylie


New member
Dear Anonymous,I also have a one hour commute each way, and about 4-6 days a week I work out. So I am up at 5:30am take my pulmyzyme have a coughing fit, go to work and get home around 6 p.m. have a coughing fit then work out for about 60 - 80 minutes. By the time I have done all this it's around 8:00pm. So I get a couple of hours a night to relax and maybe watch the hockey game. I though I was doing too much, but it sounds like you are running yourself very thin. How long do you think you can keep this pace up? Maybe your husband should hire somebody to do his paperwork or since it is his business he could do it himself. You should get about 7-8 hrs of sleep a nigh that is a medical fact that everyone should know. Take a break and get some sleep.Dave 29 w/cf


New member
When I was in school I would get about 6-8 hours of sleep at the most. Sometimes less if that happened as soon as i would get home i was useless, i would try to do homework and end up going to sleep. or i would fall asleep in my morning classes, it always seemed i had english, government or something boring first thing in the morning so that didn't help. Now I am a housewife and luckly I have a very understadning husband who gripes at me for thinking i have to get up in the mornings and do stuff, weird i know. He knows how important sleep is to my health. I get about 10-12 hours of sleep, is not acutally all sleep time, thats how long i stay in bed. I am a bad sleeper to, after treatments it takes me about an hour or two to jsut get to sleep, on rare occasions i can get to sleep alot sooner. Then I wake up about 2-3 times just to go to the bathroom, and i wake up 2-3 times coughing, mind you this is all different so i wake up about 4-6 times a night. half the time after i wake up it takes another hour to get back to sleep. so who knows how much sleep i actually get. Like waht was said in a previous post, just laying there relaxed helps alot, your body is getting rest which is important too. This is what I suggest: I agree with Dave, can you get someone to do your husbands paper work? Do you get paid for doing this or is it a way to save the company money? If so maybe your husband needs to help with the paper work if he doesn't already. Does he help with the housework? I know as a housewife we tend to think we should do all this ourselves since the husband works. I have had to learn that I need help especially when I am sick and my husband doesn't mind. You said you work full time. Since you already work full time and do all the other wife stuff you basically have 2 jobs. You definatly need to ask your husband to help out around the house more. At least letting you have an hour to your self after work for a nap or relax time. This will help your body out. We all try to overload and do everything. We forget we have cf and need to take it slow at times. IF we don't slow down some what good will that do us. Like Wishbone said there will come a time when you are forced to slow down but you won't have the health to enjoy things around you. Amanda
I have the craziest sleep patters ever <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i stay up till 1-3am every night, and on college mornign up at 7am <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and weekend about 10-11am i don't seem to suffer from any exhaustion or that, and i stay up late due to choice of watching tv, i knmow its stupid as im always shattered when im in college <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Did anyone ever find that they could never sleep long due to the stuff in their chest making them cough and causing them to wake up ?? about 2 or 3 yrs aho i was like that always up at 9am or roundabouts coughing i hated it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">