How often do you get yeast infections?


New member
I was wondering this because it seems like I get them alll the time and Im on one antibiotic and I figured that since I've been on that for 3 or 4 years now, that, that is what is causing the yeast. I was wondering if you girls get them like every month, every other month, or how often do you get them?


New member
I was on Zithromax Mon/Wed/Fri for 4 years. If that's what you're talking about (or something similar), I found a solution during the first year. If you go on IVs along WITH the Zithromax, you're screwed. But as for most of the time, it works wonders. I was taking one acidophilus (over the counter at any pharmacy) and one AZO Yeast (also OTC at any pharmacy) every day. It worked very well.


New member
i get 'em when i'm on IV's.

zithro doesn't do it for me, neither does cipro.

acidophilus works well for me also.


New member
well when I get them I wait until the ittchiness is too much then I drag myself to the store to by the imbarrasing monostat cream stuff, but if I could take one pill to keep the yeast undercontrol that would be awesome. I have used diflucan, but that was for the thrush in my mouth. the Antibiotic that I take is smz-tmp ds tablet generic for: Bactrim DS tab.

I also eat yogart everyday. I remember Melissa saying that she eats it sometimes and it help with the yeast, but so far no real luck for me.

so are you guys saying that acidophilus helps keep the yeast down or have no yeast at all.


New member
Diflucan will work for vaginal yeast infections as well.

Acido. is more of a prophilaxis type thing. It won't take away the infection, but can help to make sure that good bacteria in your vagina aren't killed off while on Bactrim.


New member
I would advise that you get over asking your doctor about help with yeast infections. 1/2 the population has a vagina, so the fact that you have one is no big deal. I"m sure your doc would be happy to help you out because it's a common occurance with CF women.


Probiotics all the time (on or off antibiotics). When I'm on IV, I sometimes take diflucan. And yes, that works for any areas the yeast has taken over.


New member
I felt like I either always had one or was on the verge of having one, I mean I inhale a bucket of antibiodicts so what do I expect, I opted to add another pill to my day.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">worth a try</a>


New member
Maybe I'm, like, not human, but I never get them, not even on IV's. That either makes me lucky or abnormal...

But I would suggest Diflucan. My mom uses it when she has a problem, and says it works well.


New member
i used to get them all the time. one time, it got so bad that my gyno thought i had herpes. i wuz freakin for the whole week i was waiting for the results and then she finally called and said it was a BAD yeast infection, which is what i thougt it was in the first place, but i haven't had one in about 6 months


New member
My mother (no CF) got them (even under her armpits) each and every time she went on antibiotics. My husband got thrush ALL of the time when on antibiotics. For both of them, Diflucan was the only answer.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

I was taking one acidophilus (over the counter at any pharmacy) and one AZO Yeast (also OTC at any pharmacy) every day. It worked very well.</end quote></div>

I thought I remembered reading about some CFs buying acidophilus in the refrigerated section of their Whole Foods type store???? Is there any advantage to using this type or does it really matter?


New member
I keep my pills refrigerated too, Just because it says they last longer and work better when kept refrigerated. who knows....


New member
I do take oral antibiotics all the time, so I do take capsules with Itraconazol, called SIROS from time to time. While inhaling collistin I do take Nystatin dissolution in my mouth after each inhaling. While on IVs I take Nystatin tablets, 5 a day.
I also did a vaccination with Gynatren, which helps the immune system to fight yeast infections and so I´m doing okay. In the past I did often have problems with yeast.



New member
I am a bit surprised that your doctor doesnt actually ask you instead of you asking your doctor........whenever I am on iv's or long term oral like I have been for the last year she makes sure at my checkups that things are ok with "that area" of the body. If its not she gives me a script. I am fortunate that I dont need anything often. The yogurt & creams work for me enough so far!


New member
All my doc asks me is if I have any rashes so Im assuming that he means rashes any where, but thats it. I do the creams but I think taking a pill everyday would be better than having to go and buy the creams cause I think that is embarrassing.


New member
I bet i'm the only guy on here with CF (or probably even without CF) who has had a yeast infection on/around his genitals before. It's always a big trump card to pull out while some guy is playing the "one up'ums" and being an a*s. Similar to how Neil Armstrong can always say to that guy, "Oh yeah, well *I* walked on the moon", and then the dude immediately shuts up. I just say "Oh yeah, well *I* have had a yeast infection". Sometimes it just gets weird stares though.


New member
Sean, well I am another guy here and have had them as well. Usually when on IV antibiotics and steroids I will get them underneath down there. I think it is quite common for guys as well when on lots of these meds.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Sean, well I am another guy here and have had them as well. Usually when on IV antibiotics and steroids I will get them underneath down there. I think it is quite common for guys as well when on lots of these meds.</end quote></div>

True. But mine was an STD from my girlfriend at the time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

We kept reinfecting each other.