How often do you get yeast infections?


New member
I thought of a couple of other questions. FIRST one is do you you girls get yeast infections like once a month or 3 in 6 monhths? SECOND do all you grils get pap smears yearly? I'm 25 and NEVER have had a pap smear, I guess I never thought it was necessary since I've only been with one guy, but I know I need to start getting them.


New member
I get yeast infections when I'm on IV meds. That's been 4 times in my life.

I've also gotten them from staying in my bathing suit too long when I was in college.

I've gotten a pap-smear yearly since I was 13 because it tests for other things other than STD's.
I am a lot like littledebbie in that I have one or feel that I am getting one about 90% of the time, nothing seems to make it better so until it gets crazy i don't see anyone aobut it. When I go in the hospital I take diflucan everyday which helps but only until I get out and then it is back again.

Debbie do you think that it helps you the pills that you take?


New member
the only time I seem to get them anymore is when I'm on prednisone. it usually starts as thrush and I don't really notice it...then it goes on a rampage. Then ONLY thing that works when that happens is diflucan...which my doc also told me that sporonox (used for aspergillis) has a component in it that diflucan does. If you're on sporonox too (which I am always) you kind of luck out. Otherwise, I suggest diflucan to completely knock it out of your system.


New member
Emilee, I have not had an infection since I started taking those pills. I would not be surprised if I still had a problem if i were to be on iv's but at least the week to week issue is taken care of. I am pretty sure the pills can be found in a GNC or health food store, although I have been happy with the ones I ordered on line (see link in previous post).<br><br>To answer how often I had one is hard becasue I started feeling like they ran into each other, like it wasn't fully going away even when symptoms would go away for a while it was like I could always feeling it coming on again, what a pain in the ......... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I take 2 acidophilus (i get them at walmart) a day (as suggessted by my doctor) to keep infections away buy keeping the good bateria around. When i get a active infection (usually when I am on a dose of oral or IV antibiotics, not zithro), I take difucan pill or monostat cream. I rather have the pill, a lot easier.


New member
Thank you guys for all the advice I'll see about taking the accidophilus , Ill ask the cf doc first to make sure it is ok with him first. I see him in June on the or around the 20th so I hope I can get this silly thing under control. Thanks again.