How often does your child


Super Moderator
I think the CF Foundation suggests appointments every 3 months. When my daughter was diagnosed we visited the CF clinic. They prescribed the meds, did blood work, x-rays.... Then came back for a follow up appointment a month later. At that appointment they decided to put my daughter on the 3 month scheduling since she responded well to the treatments.


New member
it depends on how well i am but i usually see her every month. sometimes 2 weeks and sometimes when i'm doing really well (which hasnt been for a long time....cant really remember when!) its 3 months.

so no its not too uncommon. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">x


New member
During my best times I just went down for my annual testing (full blood work up, chest x ray, body box PFT etc). I was able to get away with handling "obstacles" at home. Then as I got older I went to every 6 months. This year I was so sick so long that the first 7 months I was going every 2 weeks then every 4 now I am a 6 weeks because I have improved enough. I am hoping to be stable enough to get back to every 6 months since I am so far away from my clinic. Much depends on the doctor & patient. CF Foundation recomendation is for every 3 months. You never know what bugs were caught between!


New member
My 2.5 year-old goes every 3 months. When she was first diagnosed, she went 2 times in 3 months but that was just to get things figured out. I bet they are trying to get a good hold on your daughter since she is already 5 now.

Good Luck!


New member
Because the CF foundation reccomends quarterly visits, and that's what the clinic here goes by, as a child my mother forced me to go every three months. As I got old enough to drive myself there I started going once a year - and for a while not at all. Now that I have a little boy that I want to stay healthy for I go every six months (though the clininc still schedules me quarterly apppointments that I have to cancel - very annoying, but they have to cover their own butt for accredidation purposes - and I am a hitch in that wheel). My doctor and I have an agreement that he is OK with twice a year so long as when I need to start going more often I will commit to that - hopefully that won't be for a long time!
wanderlost- 28 w/CF


New member
My 5 year old goes quarterly when everything is going well. Lately it has been monthly becaseu of lack of weight gain. When he was first diagnosed we went weekly for about the first month.