How often?


New member
How often do you all get your standard illness that normal people get. Sore throat, fever, cough, in bed? Its been almost a year since I have gotten sick, before that... it was 6 months. I am a food server and I had a table come in with all sick women, 8 of them, coughing all over the place. They were coughing all over me, it was so gross. After being exposed to 8 sick people and touching their dirty dishes, ect. I felt low immune system. I never get sick, I just get shortness of breath, tired, then I coughed up blood. A small amount which is very surprising to me. Lately it has been almost projectile coughing up blood the last year. I have been coughing up so much blood the last couple years. After all that... my question is how often do you get sick because for me I never get sick. It just seems like I almost do but then my body just fights it. Its kinda like constant limbo. A range where im not sick but I feel like poo. And how often is normal for coughing up blood. My lung function is around 80 percent, Im healthy, I don't do neb meds. I just am wondering why all this blood all the time. The only thing I can think of is the fact that I have had 13 sinus surgeries and the anesthesia has made the vessels thin. Or maybe its just my MAC causing all this blood.


Super Moderator
Fr me it varies. When I was working I would usually get a cold or something along those lines a few times a year. Maybe 2-3. Over The last few years I moved several times and always seemed to get some type of cold/sinus infection during that process that would hang on forever and eventually lead to a lung exacerbation and IVs. Sometimes I have been able to lessen the severity of a cold with zinc lozenges. They don't taste great but zinc is supposed to help fight cold symptoms. Could be an imagined affect but I think it helps :D I get them at the drug store in the cold and flu section. Also something that can help would be sinus rinses after, or during, work just to help flush out germs you may have been exposed to. Of course that's not a guarantee to keep you well but it can't hurt and could potentially help. My ENT gave me a neilmed bottle and when I use it consistently I think it's very helpful. Using it consistently is my problem though ;) you can also pick these up at the drug store. I know you like natural medicine too so maybe jump over to the alternative medicine forum and read the extensive post on essential oils. I have non-CF friends that swear by them and there seems to be a growing interest in their usefulness within the CF community so worth reading/researching given your exposure to germs sick people.


I'd say about 3-4 colds a year. Usually need to take a day or two off work. No hospital stays yet (knock on wood).


New member
I am going to look into the essential oils. I wish I could figure out how to stop this coughing up blood. I believe I have lessoned the servarity with some natural stuff I have but its still happening :/ Its one thing that really worries me and I Dont fully understand why it is happening


New member
I know blood can b the most scariest things to deal with I know ive had it alot and doctors say it could b alot of different things infection scarring doin to much just alot of things so what I do is get on antibiotics and steroids and try not to do to much if still continuing they tell me to come in hope u stay healthy


New member
I'm 2-3 minor colds per year, and then once every other year or so I'll get something that really knocks me off my feet for a few days. When i get minor colds, I do extra treatments, get extra antibiotics, and get extra naps and early bedtime so that they don't settle into my lungs too deep. I know if I don't get serious about rest and treatment I'll carry a 2 day cold for a month.