how often?


New member
how often do ye do excerise? me, every morning, evenin(tuesday and thursday only for Pulmozyme) and night time on machine such as pulmozyme, tobi and colomycin and i also use pipe flutter! and inhaler! i find tobi and flutters helpful and gave me great feelin, pulmozyme ( i think) help me appetite which it's great, help me eat more. colmopic is bit rubbish, don't feel anything i have been using it for years till i use tobi, it's best, help me cough easy but it's long, last for twenty mins! it's bored. i change every month, colomycin to tobi. my lungs is 51% or watever de word is lol.

just like to know wat ye think is the best for u! which it give u great feelin, so on......


New member
I'm also on everything you r on! I try to walk my dogs at least once a day...but I'm not always doing that! I find it helpful to swim and walk! It does help me "clear things out!"