How old is the oldest cf person known to be


New member
My son who is 49 yrs old has cf. As a young boy he lived a normal life. We were not aware until two Yrs ago that he had CF. His first problem started with a blocked bowel
which required an operation. He was diagnosed as having Crohns diease by 3 doctors.
Even a blood test sent to a special Lab in California sugested he had Crohns. It was not
until he went to a CF Center that he was correctly diagnosed with CF. His lungs went
bad to about 45 % capacity. In the last 2 Yrs he is on oxigen, TOBI, and the other help
I have read in this forum. He took a disabilty retirement and now in his spare time does woodwork. He builds beautiful cabinets,clocks Etc. He weighs about 145 lbs, is married and has 2 adopted children. He has a good attitude and is going to the CF Center about every month. The only thing my wife and I noticed when he was a baby was his food was
not digesting normally. Otherwise we had no reason to believe he was not a normal
healthy boy. If any of you readers know of similiar situations please respond.



New member
The oldest person I know about was Katherine Lassiter Shores who, at the time of her death this Thanksgiving, was 79 1/2 years old! I know there are a several others in their 60's and 70's. Check out for a list of quite a few of the other folks. Glad to hear he's living such a good life - with family and all. Nothing could be better! Tell him to check out Reliv. It's a complete nutritional supplement that has made a HUGE difference in my health. My health is much more stable now than a couple of years ago, before I tried it. you can look up <A href=""></A> or <A href=""></A> Steven is my distributor and can get your son in touch with other people with CF who are taking Reliv and getting great results. You can also read my health story at <A href=""></A> 


New member
My son is 35 and he was diagnosed when he married and they were unable to conceive. The vas deferens were damaged by the high salt content. Until the age of nine he was hospitalized many times with respiratory difficulties and digestive disorders. I told our paediatrician that his brow tasted salty when I kissed him. His hands and feet would become very crinkled and green looking when he would sweat. This all seemed to end at age 9 and he had a normal adolescence except for some allergies. These were controlled by medication. Now he has developed digestive problems and I am quite concerned.

This was such a shock to him and to us that I have been afraid to ask about further complications. Any input would be appreciated. He is due for surgery in ten days on the spinchter between stomach and esophogus. I am finding this very difficult to deal with at this stage. They have one child through intra vetro fertilization. Willow


New member
I am very interested in speaking to you/your son about their invetro experience. My husband is 24 w/CF and we are going to be going through IVF/ICSI this October. I have been searching and searching to talk to someone else who is going through/has gone through invetro with the male having CF. If you, or your son would be willing to email me privately, that would be much appreciated! My email address is

One other question, did the doctors tell you the Vas Defrens was damaged because of the salt, or was non-existent? They told my husband that it was because it was absent as it is in about 99.5% of males with CF, mostly in those with Delta F508.

Hope to hear from you or your son, or both!

HN Raysbrook