how tall are you?how much do you weigh?


New member
I'm 5'3 and (3/4 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">) and am tipping the scales at 99 right now.
31 w/CF


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I'm 20, 5'9 and just on 130 pounds.. my best ever <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

-- Emma


New member
I am 5' 11" and weigh 120 punds. I consider myself skinny. I have no health complications. I wanna gain weight but it's hard to do so. Can I take creon? Is it meant for people like me? Plus, I am taking spices herbs remedy to help me gain weight. It's only 5 days since i have been taking it.

Pls advice me if creon a safe thing and is it meant for everyone for the goal of gaining weight with no health condition to begin with. Thanks


New member
if you dont have CF creon will not help you gain weight. it isnt a weight gain product, it is an enzyme. people with cf dont produce their own enzymes so have to take artificial ones in order to break down their food. you dont have CF, therefore you produce your own enzymes, so dont need to take creon.
i seriously advise going to see a doctor about healthy and sensible ways of gaining weight, dont just take random drugs! best of luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
its amusing to see women being so open about their weight for a change, hahaha. im 5"10 and weigh 164lbs

nottingham, uk


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hello my names becky!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
i'm 16 yrs old wiv CF,i'm 5'0ft and 7 n half stone!
just like to shout out 2 my ex girl "i'll love you til my dying day baby"


New member
its me again becky if any1 would like 2 chat wiv me who also has CF u can get me at hope 2 hear from sum1 soon bye -x-


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Hi Tiffany, I'm Randall & Calebs mom who both have cf. Randall is 56lbs. caleb ii 42lbs. Randall just gained 5lbs on his new tube feed Resource. Really great stuff.