I'm motivated by how much better I feel after doing my treatments. It would be so easy to skip a treatment and do something else, but the thing is, I know I'll pay for it. Like if I skip an evening treatment, when I wake up in the morning I'm all junky and wheezy. I guess you have to weigh the pros and cons of skipping treatments. I guess if/when a cure is ever found, it would be a hell of a lot more effective the healthier you are. I guess when it comes down to doing treatments, my survival instincts take over, call it motivation, or necessity, but when confronted with eventual death-which will occur if you quit your treatments, humans instinctively choose life. Like if you live in an apartment, surely nobody likes to pay rent, but we still do, why? Because we do want to have shelter. But let me be clear here, we have the option not to pay rent, just like we have the option not to do treatments.