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Does anyone make their own saline solution for nebulizing?

Hi and welcome Jo-anne!

I have not heard of anyone making their own saline. I'm not sure it would be a good idea as it would be very hard to maintain sterility, which you definitely want for nebulizing.

I have heard of people diluting the 10% Hypertonic saline by mixing it with normal .9% saline because the 10% is just too strong for them.

Take care!

Autumn 34 w/cf


New member
You can't get hypertonic saline where you live? You have to pay for it? Try to get your hands on "real" hypertonic saline though as it's safer, the amount of salt more constant and making it yourself a bit of work. But you can make your own simply with distilled water and salt. Make sure the salt has no additives.

Then it's a bit of experimentation. Keeping close track of how much water and how much salt you are using each time and slowly up the amount of salt per mix. Probably should still give it a quick boil (and cool) for sanity's sake. Main problem is storing it in a sterile way so you probably want to make it fresh everytime which is a lot of work.


New member
My parents used to make it for me in the mid 1980's. I think they just figured out the proportions for about 5% and boiled it up themselves (my CF doc told them to do this since it was before it was available commercially). They then kept it in a jar in the fridge for a few days, then made a new batch. Seemed to help a lot, as much a mycomyst back then, and I dont remember an increased rate of exacerbation from making it ourselves.


New member
I make 7% saline on my own .I buy pure salt from scientific store..(
..i use to get calculated amount of salt auto claved in glass bottle

..then i ask some one to hold 500ml .9 saline bottle

i use gloves and take a 20 ml sryinge and open syring from back..

.add salt in syring ..
then close syring ..

suck water in syring from 500 ml bottle ...
shake syring to dissolve salt

and push water in syring back to 500 ml bottle


New member
if you have 10% saline solution u can dilute it with .9 %

i am doing this bcoz i have no option..u can ask a pharmacy to make it for you.