

New member
how do I tell my b/f about my CF??? I am so afraid I will loose him if I tell him but I think he has a right to know... I broke up with my last b/f because I couldn't tell him and I was so uncomfortable with him not knowing!:<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
i was in the xact same position as you a few months, personally, i just told my b/f straight out but didn't make him think it was a huge deal or anything, i just said i had a lung disease which has a few attachments along with it, it's a pain in the a** sometimes but most of the time i am just as capable as anyone just sometimes i get a few reminders that i have to appreciate life.then i just made a joke of it by saying "lucky you having an extra special girlfriend!". If he doesn't accept he really is not worth it, let me know how it goes, i don't think my b/f friend thought anything else of it after until i was sick but in fairness he stood by me and always wanted to visit me, he asked a few questions at the time like "are you ok now?" "is that why you always hide that blue box with the tablets in it even though i saw you swallow them?" "can i catch anything?" "is there a cure?" actually the morei think of it he asked alot of questions but that's normal, good luck antway and let me know how it goes. xx


New member
Honestly....I don't think he will break up with you, because if he really loves you for who you are....He will be ok with it! Just tell him & maybe give him a web site to go to if he wants to know more about CF. Just tell him I think it will be alright, Anyway hope things go well! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
Sweetie if a guy really loves you he will not care if you have CF or not.....Let me tell you a shot story.....

My friend who just passed away was with her boyfriend for 1 year 9days. They had plans to get married and adopt and all that. Now when he first met her it took her like 2 weeks i think to tell him that she has CF when she did and he understood what it was he said i do not care i like you and think you are beautiful, so i want to date you and we will see where life takes us. He was there for her everytime she went to the hospital, everytime she had to do something he was there for her, he was by her side for the three days she was in ICU comotosed (she could here us and respond, not verbally but face expresessions ect.) here was there for her till the moment she died.

I just thought this story though a little sad may help you realize that no matter what if a guy truly is a MAN and likes you for you he will get over the fact that you have this disease and love you for just who you are.

Hope this helps a bit


New member
<b>Text</b>Hiya, i alwayz feel lyy dis wen it comes to tellin ma bf.....but i always end up tellin them, or my mates do....they jus gotta accept ya for hu ya r innit....i av got CF as well as diabetes, liver disease n asthma, i get realli depressed but i jus think of all the good things in lyf! well email me if u wanna talk:

Mwah xxxxx luv kerrie xxxxx<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">null</a>


New member
i am 24 and there is only 2 people know i have cf out side of my family that i told. not even my best friend.