Howd' ya pay for meds?


New member
Ok i am 22 w/cf and i have just been pulled off my parents medical insurance. So i am wondering if you do not go to work and are a full time student can you get help with the meds? Like through the government or somewhere else? if so where?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
You can get on medical cupon through the state. I get it and it pays for all my medicines and hospitalizations and doctors. Go down to the welfare office where you live and apply for medical cupon.


New member
well, the whole medical insurance system is different where i live, which is Israel. the state helps plenty for meds for CF, also nebulizers and chest pt at home. i pay for my medical insurance, which really isn't much. of course, the state doesn't cover all costs, and my parents pay that. i currently am too sick to work and the only money i have is the disability money i receive from the state. however, when i will get better and will get a job, i plan to pay myself for my meds, although this might cause a problem with my parents. see, CF parents have a problem with letting their kids be responcible for their CF care - my mom is very much so, she always worries i didn't take a pill or didn't do enough chest pt [i do it myself now, without a therapist]. when she has some of the responcibility, she feels she has control. so now that i'm 21, obviously she cannot run after me and force me to sit down this instant and take the pills, but paying for them makes her calm down because at least she knows i have them and there isn't going to be a problem of me not taking this or that because i didn't have the money. of course, i appreciate her help a lot, because it's still quite a nice amount of money even with the state's help. Lois, 21, CF, Israel


New member
I am not an insurance expert but thought your parents health insurance would respond through college as long as you are enrolled as a full time student. Most students ( even ones without CF) don't graduate by age 22. Have your parents contacted their health insurance carrier to find out specifics? I know in my daughters case ( she is at college and is 19) , they send a form each year inquiring as to her status and whether she is a full time student. I missed and they did not send an insurance card with her name on it but simply had to fax a copy of her school schedule to get the coverage back in place. I am not sure what will happen if my daughter drops out for an extended period due to CF complications. Good luck.Father of 19yr old Cf daughter


New member
Most insurance companies will cover you on parents insurance till 22 as long as you are a fulltime student..After that they should offer you cobra..Which is an extension on the insurance, but you have to pay a larger premium..Have you parents look into it for you..I myself did cobra till I was 23 before I got a job and got my own insurance.