You may want to look into a different neb cup type all together. If your using the old blue cup white mouth peace style of neb cup those are always slower less your willing to shrug off using the last ML or so of your treatment. If your using the newer style with the I think greenish plastic gasket that sits in the bace the cup. those will go faster till that gasket starts to ware which happens as soon as you bowl/heat it for the first time. This is just my experience with the newer cups. I've got an old Polma aide and a much new opti-neb pro. between the two the cup used honestly makes a bigger difference in neb times. check with your medical supply company and if your close to your clinic the RT there. They may be-able to give you a selection of cups to try. There is also alternate ways to staralize(sp) a neb cup that the new lighter plastic cups might stand up to better, but does require a little more work. I've kept a 3 cup rotation for years with a vinegar & water bath. 1 cup out for the day, 1 in the bath, 1 cup drying on clean towel next to nebulizer. depending on climent the dry time may take longer.