Huff Coughs


New member
Don't know what a typical huff session looks like for you but don't think so. Ofcourse you should stop when you get too tired, dizzy or headaches.
Getting gunk out outweighs whatever risk there could be but there isn't. Huffing is better for your throat and forces involved are less strong in huffing than in coughing. It's more gentle. Even if you have a history of pneumothorax and lungbleeds you'd still want to huff. It's not going to shut down airways.


I've always hated huffing, for me it never really helped other than wrenching my throat, so after all these years I just don't do it as often, but for some reason in the hospital while getting P/T they want you to huff. I always go into my explanation abt huffing, and they work with me. We all hv our own ways of clearance right???
I guess I will be the odd man out but even though the people in this story are so special and it was written to show their wishes in the end and they so deserved to live, I for one do not like to see this in a post when every one on here is struggling to stay alive and live their life and here it is again. Did not need this story too much.