huffing can be really effective. My respiratory therapist explianed to me that a hard cough constricts the airways and alot of times shoots some of the mucous up and some deeper back down in where as a huff is forcing air up helping to give the mucous a 'ride' up but doesnt constrict the airway the same way.
I have also found the practice that is described in the letters from warwick series on Amy's blog to be VERY effective. It is perhaps they most effective technique I have discovered ever for me I get up more mucous after doing it than huffing. I have started huffing until I get nothing else out, then do 1-2 of these modified breathing coughs then huff and repeat until non productive.
<u>From AMy's Blog:</u>
So along the lines of sputum, Warwick taught me a new way of coughing. He read a recent article discussing reptitive coughing causing damage to healthy airways of those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. He says that he would like the study to be duplicated to provide solid proof, but he has a feeling it will be.
So on that note, he taught me a new way of coughing (new to me anyway) to help my "lungs cough by themselves", as he put it.
This is how it's done. You take a normal breath. But you don't let the air out. Then you take another normal breath. And you don't let the air out. (not DEEP breaths...normal intake of breath). Then you repeat until you can't let any air in. Make sure not to take subsequent breaths in quick succession. Take the breaths as if you were breathing normally. A cough should come afterwards. </i>