Humid Climates


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For those who live in a humid climate, how do you deal when it is
super humid and where do you live?<br>


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i don't have cf but i have had a holiday in florida in august WOW !!!!! great place, gross weather<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> felt dirty the whole time . went back 2 yrs later in oct/nov much better. us limeys couldn't cope with that humidity for too long<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> we just had a heat wave, it lasted all of 4 days!!!!!!! everyone was moaning<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


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We try to keep the boys in Air conditioning as much as possible. The humidity has been gross here too.


It gets really humid here in Ontario, Canada during the summer, and the boys have a heck of a time. Most of their hospital stays normally arise around this time.


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Used to live in North Dakota and felt sticky most of the 3 months of non-snowy weather we had. Then, moved to San Antonio, which was similarly humid (if not a bit more at times) and was humid year round. I still miss SA, but did find I went in the hospital at least every year and did feel a bit "funky" and SOB most of the time I was there.

Now, when we go back to ND, I feel like I'm almost choking on the air! Its fresher than Vegas and smells a lot better, but is probably a bit harder to breathe for me overall. I like DRY air!!!


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Oh, yeah and how I dealt in both the humid conditions was to stay indoors (did VERY little outdoor activities) with the AC on. Its funny, cause in the humid weather, we ran our AC and had to keep it at around 72-74 in the summer. Now, the temp is about 20 degrees higher where we live, but we only have to keep our AC at 77-78! There is not uncomfortable moisture to get out of the air (and our lungs!)


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We are military and have experienced both dry and humid climates. I think my daughter does better in dry. We are stationed in Virginia now and my daughter's PFT's were remarkably better in Texas/Oklahoma. I have been told that there is not an indication that one climate is better than another, but I have wondered about this for the longest time. I would love to hear everyone's opinion on this subject.

Dina-mom to Amanda-11 w/CF-DF508/N1303k-Cultures Staph-Trichonsphoron (fungus)


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Here in Manitoba it gets super humid during the summer. I don't have A/C, so I'm always buying fans and having them go throughout the day. Usually I just tough it out, or I go somewhere where there's A/C.


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Northern Indiana - humid yuck yuck. I don't use my AC except when the humidity gets too high - if it feels like I am trying to breathe through molasses, I know it is time to crank the AC. that's about all I do though. I would prefer, if I had to live somewhere humid, it be Florida near the ocean so I could be breathing in the salty air, but until we retire to South Beach, sigh........


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Here in Mississippi, it is <b>EXTREMELY </b>humid all the time. I don't do anything different I guess because I'm used to it.


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I have lived in Florida for over twenty years and it took me a while to aclimate to the weather. I lived near the beach so it was eaiser but when I got really sick with CF it was pretty much do what you have to outdoors and get back in the AC. Now that I can breathe well, I deal with the summers but thankfully I have AC. Summertime is different in many states in the US but if there is a heat wave watch out.


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I have lived in Florida for as long as I can remember. The only time in my life we didn't live here we were in Virginia near the year I was born ... before I was diagnosed.
I am used to the humidity. If I am sick it can be a little much for me at times but I am able to breathe easier with the humid air than dry air. I get extremely short of breath when I am in dry climates. I went to Tennessee to visit my grandparents a few years ago in the winter. The weather was so dry in comparison to FL. I felt a difference in my breathing in the 8 hr car ride home. I usually have to use a humidifier when I sleep if I am in a dry climate for any length of time.



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I live in North Carolina and it is quite humid here. I try to stay inside with the AC as much as possible but if I need to go out I try to do it in the morning (if I must) from 8a - 11a or in the afternoon (preferred) after 3pm and stay inside during the heat of the day. If I have to go out between 11a - 3pm, I go straight from point A to point B, get inside as soon as possible, try to walk the shortest distances as possible, and tote around a small water bottle (in a can cozy to keep it cold) or something to drink.


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Hey Risa,

I am in Jacksonville, FL. I have never been to Fort Lauderdale it is a shame since I have lived in this state so long lol. Have you always lived there? or have you moved around the state?



I live in Illinois. The weather varies here. We get some days during the summer months that are pretty humid, today being one of them. Today has been horrible. I think the temp. was only in the upper 70's, but the humidity was absolutely horrible. Usually, it's not too bad and doesn't bother me too much, but today was a bad one. I usually just stay inside and have the central air on. I try not to do too much.

ps. Liz, how in the world can you survive without A/C. I would die!!


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I live in St Louis, MO and the humidity here is HORRIBLE!!! I stay in the AC and usually have to use my inhaler more often!!

Caren 34w/CF


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I live in Nebraska and the humdity the next 5 days is going to be as high as the temp. 103. Time to stay in the air.


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i also live in north carolina and it can be quite humid during the summer. truth be told, i don't think it bothers me all that much. generally i feel much better in the summer health wise. but i do not do much outdoors during the day especially if the ozone levels are high.
